Talk Talk cold calling


Registered User

Working from home today I got a call from Talk Talk , they knew my name and the fact that the eircom account we have was in my name .
They rang a while back before inrealtion to changing to them to which I didnt do.

Problem is I really hate this type of cold calling , the guy on the phone nearly without me knowing was getting verbal agreement for a trial for me on talk talk even though I dont want it and is more hassle as I dont want to be having my time taken with dealing with this

I had to tell him a few times that he did not have any verbal agreement from me for any trial - Without cutting them off , is there a way to stop getting calls like this - I really find it a nuisance

You can let your telephone provider know that you don't wish to receive cold calls. We did this about 2 years ago and haven't received any such calls since then. See the ComReg info on this [broken link removed].
Yes. they plagued me as well. I filled in the ComReg stuff and it took a few months to take effect, but then all the cold calling has stopped.

I am a TalkTalk customer and eircom are really into this cold-calling lark too. I don't know how the companies have all the details of non-customers - shouldn't be allowed.
I am a TalkTalk customer and eircom are really into this cold-calling lark too. I don't know how the companies have all the details of non-customers - shouldn't be allowed.

It should be pointed out that Eircom would have everyones name and phone number especially in the case of someone having left them for another service company as they provide the working phone line on a wholesale list to these companies
I signed up with Imagine. I used to get cold-calls from Eircom too but funnily also got calls from Perlico asking me would I like to switch from Eircom. Several were insistent I was with Eircom when I tried correcting them.

In both cases I had to field several calls, getting more irate each time I asked them to stop calling me, they only stopped when I began to threaten action. The ComReg route sounds way easier!
There’s actually two ways to do it. If you just want one particular company to stop calling, tell them to mark you off their list which they must do within 28 days. If you want no telemarketing from anyone tell your telephone supplier. This is marked on the national directory database (as maintained by eircom) so no-one can call you.
Had similar cold-calling problems last year with eircom, emailed their complaints dept and threatened to switch service unless it stopped - it did (but I switched anyway!). I used to get calls from talktalk too, but since I signed up to the opt-out with my phone provider (as lipstick69 said), they've stopped completely.

Eircom found a new way round it though - I've had personal cold-calling (to my front door!) recently, even though I'm no longer a customer. I've referred the matter to the Data Protection Commission as I feel it's an abuse of information eircom collected from me (i.e. my name and address) when I was a customer.
Thanks for the replies - I think I will go the Comreg route and hope it stops from that -
It is amazing you almost need to be very rude in order to get rid of them off the phone.
Thanks again
I've been getting almost one call a week from some crowd called Millwood Brown (?) and I have constantly told them that my number is ex-directory and that they must remove it immediately from any list it's on. This has been going on for months and no joy.:mad:
IMS Milward Brown are a market research company.

Being ex-directory does not guarantee that you won't get calls. You need to specifically opt-out by calling your provider or telling IMS that you want to opt-out.

Unsolicited electronic communications is an offence, so complain to the Data Protection Commissioner
Eircom found a new way round it though - I've had personal cold-calling (to my front door!) recently, even though I'm no longer a customer. I've referred the matter to the Data Protection Commission as I feel it's an abuse of information eircom collected from me (i.e. my name and address) when I was a customer.

I call them the Eircom Goons, they arrive at my door every few months, always two of them and always big tough looking fellows. Did you get any joy from the Data Protection Commisioner, maybe a few more complaints might put an end to them.
There’s actually two ways to do it. If you just want one particular company to stop calling, tell them to mark you off their list which they must do within 28 days. If you want no telemarketing from anyone tell your telephone supplier. This is marked on the national directory database (as maintained by eircom) so no-one can call you.
Talk Talk harrassed me for months even after I'd registered my 'do-not-call' preference. I had to make several complaints to the regulators.

By law, when they call, they're supposed to identify themselves and their address. If you ask to speak to a supervisor, they must put you through. In practice, they just put you on hold and the call disconnected after a while. When I did get through to a supervisor, she refused to accpet my request not to be called and tried to get me to phone another call centre. I'd bet if I owed them money, they'd be more coordinated.

Even if they might be cheaper, I'd never give business to them.

Start taking notes of times and names, also if caller-id displayed (it should be), the number shown. To help the regulators, you need to have your facts straight.
Towger, I'll post if/when I hear back from the Data Protection Commissioner (or eircom!).