Taking photos in the workplace


Registered User
A person came in to office last week (with the authorisation of the boss) taking photos for an internal course.

Photos were of staff working away.

Is this legal?

I have often seen photos in newspapers of staff working in shops, restaurants, schools etc - Is it legal for people to enter a workplace and take photos?
Well, if he had the authorisation of the boss and none of the workers objected I can't see there would be a problem. However, I don't think anyone's image can be used without their permission so your boss should probably have emailed around first asking if anyone had an objection.
No, the boss never emailed.

The person giving the course said it was not aganist the law.

With the net etc - it seems bad practice.
Reverse the situation and if someone went into the boss's office to take photo's without his permission I don't think he would be too pleased.

Unfortunately we can all be caught out on the spur of the moment..maybe that is why he didn't forewarn the staff.
A person came in to office last week (with the authorisation of the boss) taking photos for an internal course.
What kind of course was this? How are the photos going to be used - internal use or external?