taking meat to the Uk from Ireland?


Registered User
In relation to the last post on travelling with meat - we have a farm and have our own organic beef, and would like to take some over to family in the UK - Is this allowed under EU regulations? Thanks.
No Problem With This It Might However Show Up On Airport Security X Rays But It Will Be Let Through Once Examined
No Problem With This It Might However Show Up On Airport Security X Rays But It Will Be Let Through Once Examined

Completely off topic, but did you type your response that way (and if so, why?) or did it happen automatically?

No Particular Reason For Asking: Just Curious....
Probably posted in and vBulletin converted it to mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalised.
If you have it in your hold luggage you'll be okay, or else you can stuff it under your clothes or under your armpits as generations of Irish going to Saudi Arabia have done with their breakfasts!