Taking holidays while on job benefit


Registered User
I've been on job benefit for the past four weeks and I plan to take holidays in two weeks time from Sat to Sat. This will affect my benefit collection day (Wednesday).

Is it possible to apply for a one off change in the collection date?
If you contact your Local Office (where you sign on), you can apply for holidays and they will hold your money for you until the following week.

Just call up to you local office if you have to sign on and say that you are going down the country to visit an aunt.Tell them when you are coming back.Does your money not automaticaly go in to your bank.just because you are on benefir that does not mean you cant go on a few day holiday.
This from www.welfare.ie explains it all:

"A person may receive JA/JB for 2 weeks holidays (i.e. 12 days excluding Sundays) in any calendar year. These holidays may be taken abroad.
S/he is required to inform the Local Office 2 weeks in advance of his/her departure and to complete the form JB 74. All holiday payments should be made retrospectively, upon confirmation of the position when the person signs on again (on the next normal signing day after his/her return). If a person goes on holiday for longer than 2 weeks, s/he may be paid in respect of the first two weeks, but should be disqualified for any period abroad in excess of this."
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Post crossed with Welfarite's.