Taking a real stand,suggestions

Very simply, Dee, because he's a politician and they make the laws to suit themselves.

Let's all wait in the long grass for them to knock on our doors when the next General Election is called.................................

A Shower of Langers! And in saying this, I'm doing a disservice to real langers!!
I think we need to do a bit more than wait in the long grass. People need to act now and next Saturday is a good starting point. The politicians got a wake up call last Oct when the pensioners came out in droves. They need another good shock now.

Excellent post. Your point about the nurses reminds me of the ones I often see chatting for ages while on duty, among themselves, about their holidays etc. Maybe some nurses do work hard, but the ones I know certainly do not, even though they are very well paid.

I think the private sector has had enough. It is our taxes that pay for the public service, the politicians etc. How about us all having a one day demonstration ?
Instead of protesting against withdrawal of special needs teachers, why not protest outside the INTO headquarters over the 31 days uncertifed sick leave a teacher can take in a year with no action taken against them.
Don't forget to note on your placard that the average sick leave taken is actually one day per year. You might be better off staging this protest at the Dept Education, given that they control teachers contracts, but whatever floats your boat.
Why not protest outside the INO headquarters about the 7 nurses I saw in Kilkenny hospital last weekend standing in a ward discussing their holidays for nearly an hour
I'm not sure why you'd want to go with the INO with this. The more obvious answer would be to say something to the nurses themselves, or to a local duty manager. Why didn't you take some action at the time?

or the medical staff who are too lazy to wash their hands and are spreading superbugs all over the place.
I'm sorry to hear that you've fallen for Harney's spin that handwashing is the major cause of MRSA, when in fact, overcrowding of wards and outsourcing of cleaning services are the real issues.
Why not protest outside IMPACT headquarters over the unvouched expenses policies in many public sector areas
Because you would be exposing your ignorance of how this works. Unvouched expense policies are a double-edged sword. Some trips I make a few quid, some trips I lose a few quid. There is no doubt that sign-off of expenses is far, far tighter in the public sector than I ever experienced in the private sector.
Why not protest outside the car tax offices which close at lunchtime, the one time working members of the public might be able to go down there and avail of their "services"
Which motor tax offices did you have in mind? The only one that I can find that still closes for lunch is in Donegal? Were you planning on heading up to Letterkenny for this protest?
Very true, perhaps those that exaggerate and rant about non-existant problems might bear some responsibility?


The one day demonstration has been organised by Congress, it is not confined to the public service and is not simply about the levy.
Rabbit, if you have a genuine complaint about nurses, maybe your time would be better spent on complaining to their local manager. Without doubt there are lazy nurses as well as lazy teachers , guards ,doctors and others. However, the best stand to take is to complain locally.
Incidentally all nurses in this country are answerable to An Bord Altranais and every month , there are fitness to practice hearings in the High Court in which nurses are struck off. In fact it, as a profession in Ireland, is well regulated.
If you really believe that MRSA is caused by lack of hand washing you are just another victim of the Harney propaganda to detract from the fact that hospitals in Ireland don't have enough isolation beds, and are cauldrons that allow MRSA to spread. But in the meantime, pay the minimum wage to cleaners who are the most important people in the fight against infection and blame the dirty nurses!!!!

What exactly is your problem with nurses Rabbit? Have you been dumped by a nurse recently?
You must spend a lot of time in hospitals to follow nurses around all day checking to see if they are working hard enough.
In my opinion Nurses, A&E Doctors, Paramedics etc. don't get paid enough! I certainly wouldn't do their job and I doubt many others would!

re teachers, 4022 had more then 5 days uncertified sick leave last year. The fact that teachers have an automatic entitlement to any uncertified sick leave is a disgrace, not to mention that it is up to 31 days.Bear in mind as well that teachers only work for 9 months of the year, if they actually worked the same number of days as workers elsewhere, the figures would be higher. What really disappoints me is the failure to sack teachers who have high levels of uncertified sickness.
Incidentally I see that teachers are balloting for strike action, I suppose there's no chance that they'll decide to do the decent thing and go on strike over half-term or the Easter holidays instead of causing major inconveniences to parents

re handwashing, see attached which might suggest otherwise. I'm not saying it is the sole reason why MRSA occurs and that other actions are not needed but a simple, cost effective process seems to work in other countries, is Irish MRSA unique????
[broken link removed]

re expenses, I'm glad that some areas have tight expense policies, but let's be honest, FAS??? Plenty examples where that is not the case

Incidentally, re the one day demonstration, why not have it outside the local dole office and see what the reaction is?
I'm sure there a few teachers who abuse sick leave, just like there are few bank managers who abuse sick leave, and a few architects who abuse sick leave, and a few nurses who abuse sick leave. I haven't seen any evidence that abuse is a major problem, or that abuse is not managed. I reallt think this is much ado about nothing. There are lot bigger issues to be addressed.

Interesting to note that the media company behind that newspaper have been behind a campaign in those hospitals, so I'm not sure that they could be accepted as an unbiased source. Maybe Irish overcrowding is uniquely bad?

re expenses, I'm glad that some areas have tight expense policies, but let's be honest, FAS??? Plenty examples where that is not the case
None of the FAS issues had anything to do with the unvouched problem that you raised. You might want to stop moving the goalposts if you want to have a sensible discussion on this.
You're absolutely correct that FAS at nothing to do with unvouched expenses. That was just incredible arrogance from one area of the public sector. However, can you honestly justify an unvouched expense policy. I don't know anyone for example in the private sector who get's a lunch allowance if they are off site. Many private sector companies won't even allow lunch as a vouched expense on the grounds that you'd be eating your lunch if you were in the office anyway

The one day demonstration has been organised by Congress, it is not confined to the public service and is not simply about the levy.

Congress? Which congress?
Do you mean the Catholic Congress of religious in Ireland?
The removal of special needs teachers really annoys me. Therefore if there was a march that is what i would be protesting about.
It really annoys me too but you need to be clear as to where the blame lies. There is only a certain amount of money available to pay teachers. Knowing this the teachers unions have agitated for and received massive pay increases over the last few years. This means that the same money pays fewer teachers. So, massive pay increases for teachers in general over the last few years have now resulted in us running out of money for extra services such as special needs.
I do not have a problem with nurses, I do not follow them around and I have not been dumped by one, so no need to be personal. I was merely agreeing with the previous poster who wrote " about the 7 nurses (he) saw in Kilkenny hospital last weekend standing in a ward discussing their holidays for nearly an hour or the midwife which didn't know what was wrong with an epidural when all it had happened was it had run out or the medical staff who are too lazy to wash their hands and are spreading superbugs all over the place.". I unfortunately have spent far longer under the roof of a hospital than I would have liked to and I observed what was going on , on many many occassions. Yes, there are some great staff there, but there are many who are way overpaid for what they do, and many who do not work that hard at all.

Apologies, Rabbit, I certainly didn't intend to be personal
However, I am getting a bit peed off with the likes of nurses etc. being rubbished on here.
In my opinion Nurses,Doctors and health care workers put up with a lot of grief/stress during their working day and I honestly believe each one of them are worth 100 bankers or property developers or stock market speculators.
In my opinion Nurses,Doctors and health care workers put up with a lot of grief/stress during their working day and I honestly believe each one of them are worth 100 bankers or property developers or stock market speculators.
Sorry now but this attitude sends me into orbit (or else i have been on Mars too long) The whole "they don't get paid half enough..." these professions are well paid on their own and by comparison with many countries - there are queues to get into them and people go abroad to train and return to work here - not all of them for the love of sick people more for the green.
its just tosh and reminds me of all the Liam Doran " professional degree qualified nurses deserve x y and z ..." - fact is not all have degrees and most without degrees are far more professional..

I'd doubt if all the patients of Dr Neary in Drogheda would agree with you on this

I agree that the majority of doctors and nurses do a good job in often difficult circumstances and I'm not sure I could do their job. However, you can't say that is the case for all.
Apologies, Rabbit, I certainly didn't intend to be personal.
No problem

I ( or probably anyone else on this thread as far as I can see ) do not "rubbish" all nurses. However, Nurses,Doctors and health care workers are , as others have pointed out, well paid with job security and other perks. As someone else wrote "these professions are well paid on their own and by comparison with many countries - there are queues to get into them and people go abroad to train and return to work here".
Sure some nurses + doctors put up with some stress sometimes - but not everone all the time eg the 7 nurses another poster saw in Kilkenny hospital last weekend standing in a ward discussing their holidays for nearly an hour. I have witnessed a lot of this type of carry on by hospital staff too, but often for just 15 or 30 minutes... presumably when they want to chat for longer they do it out of earshot of patients + visitors ?
If you want to know what real stress is, consider those in negative equity for example who wonder how they are going to pay the mortgage at the end of the month, educate their kids, pay for the doctor for the kids etc.

The funniest thing of all you say is you honestly believe each one of them ( health care workers ) are worth 100 bankers or property developers or stock market speculators. I know some " Health care workers " who are property developers ( albeit in a small way, or with section 23 apartment investments etc ) and "stock market speculators", in that they invested some of their savings in shares. Half the country were "stock market speculators" in Eircom for example - and more than a few people had / have shares in B of I, AIB, etc. I think its a bit sweeping to claim health care workers ( which by definition includes those earnings hundreds of thousands in the health care system eg consultants ) are worth 100 bankers or property developers or stock market speculators ! Not all bankers ( people who work in banks ) done something wrong you know. If there were no "bankers or property developers or stock market speculators" its unlikely the health care sector would be as well paid as it is. Public service pensions in Ireland are the highest in the world y'know...but obviously that is unsustainable given our increasing massive foreign borrowings.
In my opinion Nurses,Doctors and health care workers put up with a lot of grief/stress during their working day and I honestly believe each one of them are worth 100 bankers or property developers or stock market speculators.
Don't you think that the doctors earning €1'000'000+ a year have done some share buying/ property specualation in their time?
Congress? Which congress?
Do you mean the Catholic Congress of religious in Ireland?

I don't see the point of this rather silly post. In case you're serious, 'congress' is short for Irish Congress of Trade Unions.
In case you're serious, 'congress' is short for Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

No it's not; ICTU is short for the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. "Congress" referrs to the house of Congress, part of the legislature of the United States of America.
Some of the self important bearded Brethren in the ICTU started to refer to the ICTU as "Congress" a while back as if they were a branch of government (which, in many ways they were). It is important that citizens who are not part of this vested interest do not buy into their insidious attempt to usurp the democratic process.