taking a planning decision to an bp


Registered User
We have a house in the country. A house opposite us recently got planning. I had done an observation.

* water safety as the soak hole is in line with our own well
* drainage from hill behind house as local area has had problems
* privacy as their living areas will be 4m above our bedroom so we will be very overlooked..

But planning was granted first time, very well connected family, which is a huge difference from when we got planning 2 years ago. (lot of hoop jumping).

I am now faced with prospect of going to an bord planala if we want to proceed to ensure water is not at risk. But rather then make enemies I'd lke someone to assess our house and their pp to see is this worthwhile. If anyone has some reccs on who to hire, idea if this is wroth while and cost indication.

Also they do have to fit a puraflow system. How good are these at ensuring water kept safe. Can they go wrong.
The Board generally do not like one-off houses and are far more likely to refuse pp than a local authority, if you are serious, this is the best route to go, appeal must be lodged within 4 weeks of decision though, so watch the clock. If you are concerned about neghbourly relations, you appeal can make clear that you have no issue with the principle of the house.
thanks for that the red. Does anyone else have any reccs if I do this myself or do I contract a planning expert to do so. I have access to information on puraflows if/when they go wrong. but not sure how best to present it.