Take voluntary redundancy or not?


Registered User
My employer is offering a voluntary redundancy of 22k. I have been thinking for a few years of taking any redundancy that came up but I was hoping for about twice what is being offered based on previous redundancy packages offered (to others) and my years of service, 12 years.

I am currently farming and making approximately 6-8k a year. I have a nearly completed house with no mortgage. I'm aged 41, unmarried with a baby on the way. My partner is working part time. My yearly income from employment is 27k gross.

If I take the offer, I would only be entitled to Jobseekers Benefit for a year (I think I'd be disqualified for the first 9 weeks due to voluntarily leaving my job) and I wouldn't be guaranteed a job at the end of that.
After the year, I wouldn't qualify for SW payment.

This may be an opportunity to avail of a course while unemployed and change career paths.

I'm on the fence about leaving or staying due to uncertain income into the future.