Take pension now or wait and get same pension + RPI


Registered User
I can take pension at £3.4k/annum DB now increased at trustees discretion (2-3% annum maybe)

If I wait a year I get £3.4 + RPI /annum (ie) say 3.4 + RPI UK = new amount and from then on increased at trustees discretion (2-3% annum maybe)

Same process for next 5 years until 65

Pension is part DB and part DC
Current situation is £3.4k/annum + Tax Free lump sum + £1.6/a from rest of DC part. (this figure from last March so awaiting new figures which should be better)

So exchange rates & stock market risks exist.


Is there a real monetary advantage in putting off the pension for a year and getting £3.4 + RPI /annum next year (RPI was % in UK last year but will be much smaller this year)

Or should I start taking it now?

Thx in advance : M
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Is this a dumb question with the answer - "go see an financial advisor?"
Cause I cant figure it out.
Any help or opinion very welcome.
UK question? I am always in favour of getting the money as soon as possible, as you usually have to live longer to reap any benefit, and most of us are not that organised.