Switcing to AIB; question re legal fees


Registered User
We are thinking of switching to AIB (mortgage).
Has anyone done this and how did it go?
Also do they have any offer on legal fees/valuation?
Many thanks in advance for any info.
I switched to AIB a few months ago through a broker. I'm ashamed to say I don't know what my rate is but it's a tracker, discounted for the first year. My LTV was less than 80pc so it was the best offer on the market and they paid my legal fees. They don't advertise the fact that they'll pay the fees but if you're deemed to be 'safe' they will. The advantage is that because they don't advertise about the fees, they don't have any rules regarding them. Therefore you don't have to stick with them for a certain period of time, which you have to do with other banks who pay your fees. So technically you can switch again after a year or so if you get a better rate - or haggle to keep yours down.
What broker was this? I'm thinking of switching and AIB would be an option if they paid fees. Please PM me with broker's name if you wish.
AIB do not offer free legals fees.
They had a deal a while ago where they offered some cash back, but no longer do this.

Depending on the size of your mortgage and value of your property, some other banks and brokers may offer a cash back incentive.
The way the market is, and the amount of equity you have in the property will depend on the final situation. All Banks will negotiate with you. Either directly or through a half decent broker - this is what they earn their commission for.