Switching to NIB/Waiting for BOI Counter offer


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Switching to NIB/Waiting for BOI Counter offer

getting NIB's LTV tracker, ECB + 0.5%

Mentioned to BOI manager and he offered ECB + 0.75%, I REJECTED AND HES COMING BACK TO ME TOMORROW,

Has anyone gotten a better offer from Bank of Ireland?
Maybe they are hoping that the idea of involving solicitors and legal fees isn't worth the move to save 0.1% which, to be honest, you'd hardly notice every month.
Maybe they are hoping that the idea of involving solicitors and legal fees isn't worth the move to save 0.1% which, to be honest, you'd hardly notice every month.

There weren't any legal fees when we switched - used their solicitor, who was very good. Not sure if this offer still going.

TBH - why would you pay more when you don't have to, it all adds up over the years.
My LTV is just below 80% and my discounted BOI rate is up next month, so I was thinking of switching too. Would get 4.69% at NIB, has anybody successfully negotiated with BOI to get the 4.69% rate ? Wouldn't mind staying with them if they match.
ptsb rates:

Tracker (LTV<=80%/500K-1M) 4.55%
Tracker (LTV<=80%/<500K) 4.60%
Hey Melly, those ptsb rates:

Tracker (LTV<=80%/500K-1M) 4.55%
Tracker (LTV<=80%/<500K) 4.60%

have APRs of 4.8% and 4.9% respectively....

Not so impressive.

The NIB legal switching offer is still going - they cover all of the legal costs if you use one of their solictitors, or give you €600 towards the cost of your own.
I was offered 4.75 ( ECB+.75% for duration of mortgage). I know 0.06 % will mean 3300 euros over 25 years for me, but for now I will stay with BOI. I just can't be bothered at the moment doing the paper work and this way I don't bind myself into 5 years with NIB ( you'd need to pay back the sollicitor's fees otherwise). I am sure more foreign lenders will enter the Irish mortgage market and who knows a more competitive rate will be available in a year or 2. Keeping my options open for 12 euros a month.
I was in exactly the same position with BOI.
Had a tracker at ECB + 1.05%.
Got offered ECB+0.51 from NIB.
Asked BOI to match it and they came back and offered ECB+0.75% for two years going to EBC+0.9% after that.
Told them I was very disappointed and that I would be moving. And we did.

I think they offer you a 'nearly as good but not quite' rate in the hope that you won't be bothered going to the bother of switching. That in itself annoyed me. We used the NIB legal service. The only outlay we had was €130 for the valuation. In the end we kept our repayments the same, but were able to take a year off the term of the mortgage. Thats worth a bit of paperwork to me!