Switching to NIB - no one getting back to me

Re: Switching to NIB - noone getting back to me

[FONT=&quot]I have and saved quite a bit of cash in doing so. I just popped into my local branch and met with one of their guys. He pretty much arranged everything; all in all it took about a month. Having said that it’s best to keep on top of them and never assume anything with banks.[/FONT]
I just want to hear from anyone who has successfully switched, recently to NIB. I have called into the branch, phoned, emailed etc and cannot get hold of the advisor to even find out if she got our documents, this is going on two weeks now.

Have had the same problem. All was great at the start, but then the guy I was dealing with was transferred, so someone else was assigned my account. He was never available when I phoned, would not return my calls, every time I called into the branch, he was on lunch/at a meeting or off that day. Eventually, after telling the girl at the call centre that I would hold until his meeting was over, he seemed to finish it quite quickly and take my call. I must have been holding up a phone line! When I asked him for his direct number he refused to give it to me, saying I could just ring the 1890 number.

The whole process took about 4 months from the application was left into the branch, until the old mortgage was paid off.
Hmmm interesting.
We are about to start this process too, well have kind of, but like yourself had a two week+ wait before anyone got back to us.
Turned out the person whom we initially met with was on holidays, they were apologetic about this (I had sent documents to her not general NIB etc).
Re the 1890 number my experience of this so far has been superfast, ie I phoned to leave message at branch only to discover that there is only this general number however the branch phoned me back within five minutes.
I get the impression that there might be staff movement?? We have apt in a few weeks and last line of ph call was something along the lines of "if Miss X is not available there will be someone else in her place.."
Just guessing.
Time will tell how this pans out.
I have had the opposite experience, rang day before yesterday to enquire abot a remortgage, was called back with an hour, meeting the guy tomorrow...will let you know how it goes.
I'm sure Rea will love you for putting them to all that hard work and you having no intention of using them? What is your question at this point? Or is it just an moan about NIB?
but you said yourself that NIB had the better rate, are you happy to use AIB if they are more expensive?
That .16% will add up. I’d chase NIB and get them to sort it. Unless you want to unnecessarily contribute to the AIB’s already massive profits.
I'm with the NIB and in the process of switching to their ltv mortgage having just come off a fixed rate also with them. I've no complaints about the service and it was the same when we first switched to them two years ago. Of course different people in different branches will be not necessarily be as efficient as each other. I've been dealing with Blanchardstown and so far so good. Keep chasing them. The savings are worth it.