Switching Phone/broadband Provider


Registered User

I am wondering if anyone could shed any light on this matter.

I changed over from Eircom to Vodafone last month. It seemed like a good idea and a good deal. I thought I covered every obstacle when talking to the vodafone advisor. He advise me not to contact Eircom because vodafone would handle the change over from their angle. I was happy with this until I got a bill from Eircom charging me a total of 50.38 for one months cancellation fee. This does not include ordinary charges for the phone/line/broadband.

I am absolutely shocked at this charge. Is this happening everyone who changes over. I understood Vodafone took this matter into consideration when taking on the responsibility of changing over a customer. Yes I know some of you may say, its up to us as an eircom customer to take that responsibility and yes in hindsight I wish I had. However I also feel once again we have been taken for a ride by big boys who do nothing but take advantage of struggling people hoping to make a saving.

I feel that it is a big disservice to people not to mention that one months notice won't be given by Vodafone when you change over. Has anyone had any experience of this matter.

I'd appreciate any constructive advise.

If it falls within their service www.comreg.ie might be able to give you some advice. Give them a call @ Tel: +353 1 8049600

I used them some time back but it was purely for mobile phone query and Vodafone certainly sat up and paid attention when Comreg took over the problem. They had ignored me initially.