Switching off lights on a Volvo s40


Registered User
Hi all,
Imported a Volvo s40 last weekend. No complaints about car and simple process to register it. However the lights come on and stay on every time I switch on the engine. Is the a Volvo thing, a UK thing and is it possible to turn them off?

Thanks in advance,

This is probably an inbuilt safety feature, and if so you will not be able to turn them off. This is commonplace in some countries (Iceland, for example) where legally the lights have to be all the time while driving. It should specify in your car manual re the lights.
Enjoy the car!

They are called DRLs (Daytime Running Lights).

In some Scandanavian countries, DRLs are required to be on all the time as a safety feature. There was a time when all Volvos and SAABs sold outside Sweden were equipped with DRLs. I think more recent versions have an option to turn them off.

If you want to disable them, Google DRL. There are a number of websites that will show you how.
I had a saab 900 a while back and the sidelights were on all the time. I discovered that there was a fuse which was just for the sidelights to be on constantly. Taking out the fuse turned off the lights.Have a look in the car manual as it may be similar, good luck.
Why would you want to turn them off? The road safety authority are currently considering a proposal to require all vehicles to have daylight lights for safety. Its the law in Sweden where Volvos are made and all Volvos and Saabs have this feature.
I have an s40 and the lights used to go on when I turned on the engine. I thought there was nothing I could do about it but it was an awful pain as the bulbs used expire every few months - I was forever getting replacements and dangerous too as I'd be driving in the dark when the lights would go. Finally one day I read the serivce booklet in detail and discovered how to turn them off. Great relief.
I drive all the time with dip lights on day and night. I find it an inherently safer journey as other cars will notice you easier.