Quick question.
I'm thinking of switching my mortgage from a Varible to a Tracker Varible, aas it seems to be the best mortgage type on the market at the moment.
Is it expensive or alot of trouble to switch from one bank to another or does it depend on the bank in question?? Is there specil rules around Tracker Mortgages I'm not aware of?
I was briefly talking about this with friends and they thought it would cost in around €1500 to switch ahd was alot of work e.g like when first applying for a mortgage.
Quick question.
I'm thinking of switching my mortgage from a Varible to a Tracker Varible, aas it seems to be the best mortgage type on the market at the moment.
Is it expensive or alot of trouble to switch from one bank to another or does it depend on the bank in question?? Is there specil rules around Tracker Mortgages I'm not aware of?
I was briefly talking about this with friends and they thought it would cost in around €1500 to switch ahd was alot of work e.g like when first applying for a mortgage.