Switching Mortgages and keeping hassle to a minimum, possible?


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Just wondering if there is some kind of online switcher service where you can just apply online to switch your mortgage and they'll find you the best rate etc? Am a lazy so and so and don't relish having to go through all the hassle of reapplying to all the different lenders. Have finally decided to abandon Irish Nationwide and their crap rates and try and get myself a good tracker deal but don't want to have to fill out a million and one forms....

Anyone know of an easy way round this?
No way around it! But probably worth it on rates from a financial point of view.

Probably best to get a broker to do all the applications as you're a self confessed lazy so and so. If the lender will pay your fees also so much the better.

It is an aggravation. Some people find it more or less so. Some of the lenders are crap to deal with and make you wonder why you bothered. Read some of the threads yourself and reconcile yourself to making the effort. Or not.

A broker will assess your circumstances and should be able to tell you in advance which lender has the best tracker rate for you. So you only have to apply to the one lender. But make sure you know which lenders the broker is acting for as some brokers only deal with a limited number of lenders while others have a wider range. Ask. Few if any brokers deal with National Irish Bank, by the way, because National Irish Bank choose to only distribute their mortgages through their branches. So if you want to be sure you're getting the best deal you will have to approach a good broker and National Irish Bank to see who comes up with the best rates.