Current position:
2 years paying mortgage - 374k left
House cost - 408k
5.1% - Tracker ecb over 1.1
Mortgage Broker offered:
a rate of 0.85% above ECB for the term of the
€1,000 towards legals
50% off home insurance for 12 months
6 months free mortgage payment protection
I emailed my bank highlighting offer - their response:
"If we can get a valuation which will give an LTV of 80% or less we can offer you a rate of the ECB rate currently 4% with a margin of .95%.
We as a branch would be very sorry to loose you as a customer.
The industry norm at the moments is that mortgages are reviewed or upgraded within 5 years of issue"
Houses on our road currently "asking" for in the region 415 - 450k..
My question is it best to wait 5 years for the bank to upgrade? Is the offer from the Mortgage Broker worth moving for?
Not the best at understanding all these acroynms at the best of time... so go easy on me!
2 years paying mortgage - 374k left
House cost - 408k
5.1% - Tracker ecb over 1.1
Mortgage Broker offered:
a rate of 0.85% above ECB for the term of the
€1,000 towards legals
50% off home insurance for 12 months
6 months free mortgage payment protection
I emailed my bank highlighting offer - their response:
"If we can get a valuation which will give an LTV of 80% or less we can offer you a rate of the ECB rate currently 4% with a margin of .95%.
We as a branch would be very sorry to loose you as a customer.
The industry norm at the moments is that mortgages are reviewed or upgraded within 5 years of issue"
Houses on our road currently "asking" for in the region 415 - 450k..
My question is it best to wait 5 years for the bank to upgrade? Is the offer from the Mortgage Broker worth moving for?
Not the best at understanding all these acroynms at the best of time... so go easy on me!