Switching Employment agencies


Registered User
Hello folks,

Just wanted to know what happens once a contract that the agency found me with the client company completes in duration and there is no further extension offered by the client. I was told in the beginning by the agency that they will look for more contracts for me once the current contract finishes. What I need to specifically know is that can they stop me from finding a new contract on my own through another agency with a different client? Can they force me to work only through them on roles they find for me? Essentially, once I have completed a contract, can I simply move on to a new agency for a new contract?

Can they force me to work only through them on roles they find for me?


Essentially, once I have completed a contract, can I simply move on to a new agency for a new contract?


The only exception would be that you could not finish up in Client A with Agency X and then return to Client A with Agency Y.

In theory, the agency could have anything in its contract with you, but they are very unlikely to have such a clause and if they did, they would have to guarantee you work or pay you while you were not working.
Thanks for this.
Re working for the same client , they do have a restriction that I may not go permanent or contract with the same client through a different agency for 6 months following completion of contract. Which, I think is OK though 6 months is a bit excessive, anyway...

Thank you again