Hi all,
I'm reviewing my finances and it seems i may be able to get a better rate from Halifax (Tracker ECB+.75%) EBS best offer is (Tracker ECB+1%) my LTV is less than 50% there is roughly 117k remaining.
I'm all for change but my wife is less so, citing loyalty to EBS as she has been very happy with them thus far(I can't disagree with her there) but money talks and we've agreed loyalty isn't reason enough to stay with EBS, Her other reason for not changing is less easy to argue against, If we have a mortage account with EBS and they demutualise will we be in for a wind fall?(there is about 12/13 years left). If so this windfall could outweigh any saving made by the switch.
So the dilemma continues, any nuggets of wisdom on this would be welcome.