Switch employment contract to Germany


Registered User
Hi All,

I work for a large German company with a Global presence. My role is a global and I am functionally managed in Ireland (pay & HR) but my day job is managed from Germany.

I have been offered to switch my employment contract to Germany based on my current T&C's but I can work from a home office (Ireland) and only have to work in Germany 2 or 3 weeks in a quarter. The employer will also supply a small apartment so in effect I would be a German resident. The benefits are obvious in terms of tax, especially if the Irish Government go mad at the budget.

My questions are:

  • I would still remain in Ireland for most of the time, is the suggestion legal?
  • If I switched the contract would I need to contribute to SW (like stamps)
  • Any other advice would be appreciated
I know there are moral issues here, I am not in a huge income bracket (<€60k) but i need to support my family. The levy hurt me hard enough and any more taxes will take me to a dangerous level.

Thanks in advance
If you are still resident in Ireland more than 183 days present, then you are taxable here on your world wide income. As the employment will be exercised here you will remain subject to PAYE in Ireland.

If you have taxable bik's example a company car you could get relief for the portion of time spent outside thev ROI on business as the car would not be available to you. Other than that I don't see any tax benefit
same here - even if you pay tax on the income in Germany you will be subject again to tax here in ireland. Albeit that you end up just paying the higher tax figure i.e. the Irish one

be careful too - from a employee point of view are there less rights under a german court than an irish court - maybe no requirements as regards redundancy etc. watch out for things like that
in Germany you are taxed only on the income you earn in Germany. But if you are registered as resident in Germany you and your employer might have to pay health insurance, unemployment insurance, solidarity surcharge insurance and all those will add up to a significant percentage. Health insurance is compulsory in Ireland and because of the aging population is quite. Same for unemployment insurance.
Thanks, looks like my employer was looking for me to "Tax Evade" for my benefit or to trick me in to moving to Germany.
be careful too - from a employee point of view are there less rights under a german court than an irish court - maybe no requirements as regards redundancy etc. watch out for things like that

Good point, it appears that they do not follow TUPE laws and other employment rights.

Thanks for heads up