Swift end to the govt. honeymoon period ?


Registered User
Lex posted a similar question a few days ago, but the GE Election thread's now closed. The Independent yesterday called the PFG a betrayal and today's headline is stand & deliver(online editons). Hardly an auspicous start even before the actual gov.t is formed. Is the media now the new oppositon?
I dont think some elements of the media are acting in the naional interest. its crazy to be critical even before the government is formed.
The Indo has never acted in the interests of the country or the people who help run the country. It is a biased newspaper with its own agenda!
It's about time the Indo put a red banner at the top of the front page as it's not kidding anyone that it's any different from the other redtops.
Lol, I'll give em a capital when they're actually formed ... when did ye sell your soul and joind the grammar police?:D
I think Tarfhead meant the dot instead of an apostrophe rather than the capitalisation - ie gov.t instead of the more usual gov't. Have to say, I have found it distracting too - wondered why you used gov.t as I've never seen it anywhere else.
There's nothing wrong with being a pedantic and petty grammar and spelling nerd, is there ???

Well, if you want to be really pedantic about it, you should end your sentence with only one question mark and it should immediately follow your last word without a space. :D
There's nothing wrong with being a pedantic and petty grammar and spelling nerd, is there ???

Lol. Where do I start? (one question mark). Anyway, I'm in good company, ask James Joyce or Cormac McCarthy about bad grammar. Both of them did alright. :D

Seriously tho, language and grammar are alive in the sense of constantly changing and evolving. If we all insist that there is a standard way of speaking and writing it forever and a day, the language cannot evolve. One sees a perfect example of this with Arabic. There is a delineation between classical & standard Arabic. This is useful in some ways (because those across the Arab world who know can use it) but many do not speak it at all. Indeed Arabs in Morocco or Tunisia find it very difficult to understand Saudi Arabians, Omani's or Yemeni's. Thus attempts to freeze language into standard format can undermine it's basic role as a form of communication.
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The Indo was strongly pro-FF and now they are strongly pro-FG (a counterbalance to the Irish Times which is strongly pro-Labour).

The new government should be given a chance. It took 10 years for our government, the banks, the vested interest groups (ICTU, IBEC etc) and the public in general to wreck the country. It would be totally unreasonable for anyone to expect the whole thing to be put right in a few years by only one of those that did the damage.