Sweets you loved as a kid

I also used to love those pink panther chocolate bars, where the chocolate was actually pink.
I also used to love those pink panther chocolate bars, where the chocolate was actually pink.

Yeah the kind of think we now have to call "chocolate flavoured candy" or something such. Mind have you tasted that stuff now? Old childhood favourites like white chocolate mice or just chocolate mice, my god they're revolting.
I remember LLC Gums, which were aniseed-flavoured black sweets...yum!

A new shop opened in Drogheda a couple of weeks ago, selling sweets from large glass jars....I haven't been in it yet (the day I passed by, it was mobbed!), but I fear for my sugar levels!
White mice are still teeth-rotteningly awesome!

I'll concede they're better than anything the americans can produce, but still, childhood memories destroyed when I paid through the nose for some at the cinema pick and mix.

Which reminds me, can you still get 10p (cent) mix?

Oh I used to LOVE LLC gums, used to eat 5 at a time - yum yum yum. Can feel my teeth coming away from my gums right now, but OMG they were were delish!!!
Freshers...which are different from and were much nicer than Refreshers...

Also milk teeth..they were about 2p. Closest I've found recently are milk bottles in M&S but not the same...
I used to like the Texan bar. Or if short on cash and looking for value, the aptly named Big Time Bar.
I remember a lovely chocolate and tofee bar called a Klipso Bar mmmmm
The sweets with money in them were called Money Balls. Anyone remember Lucky Bags, Jelly Babies, Giftie Bars (1d), Cough no More bars (1d). I think the penny bars were made by a company called Milroys. Remember sweets made by Oatfield called Colleen sweets. Another sweet company were Lemons - they had the slogan '' Lemon Pure Sweets.'' Anyone remember Cleeves Toffee. I think it was made in Limerick. There was a company in Limerick called Geary's who sold penny biscuits - big, round with a few currants in them. I could go on - no surprise I now have a mouthful of dentures.
Yes, I remember them. Were made by Urneys (later HB Chocolate) in Tallaght? Factory closed down in early 1980s thus discontinuing loads of childhood favourites

They were 2&2 bars from what I remember. My Dad worked in Urney (HB) until its closure and we were always the most popular kids on the road, with 2&2 (more for adults) turkish delight, rovals, (irish version of rolo's) catch bars, beanos, etc.

Also, Jacobs biscuits were across the road, so on Friday, the guys from Urneys would swop some of their chocolates for sweets, so we had the best of both worlds.

We were the envy of every child on the road, but also someones Dad worked in C&C so there was club orange & glucoplus for all too.
Spangles!!!!!! Anyone remember them?
On the recent 'Limits of Liberty' programme by Diarmuid Ferriter on RTE, Dr Derek Freedman mentioned them...
"In the 60's you went to NI to get Condoms for yourself and Spangles for the kids!" Made me think about how often I had Spangles as a kid!
Your presence here says more for the efficacy of the Spangles than the condoms!!!

I was born in 1970 so the craze was long lived if I remember them!
"In the 60's you went to NI to get Condoms for yourself and Spangles for the kids!"

As kids we spent a few weeks each Summer with our Granny in Co. Donegal. On the way home. we'd stop off in Derry and hit the sweet counter in Wellworths (not Woolworths).

Mintolas, Caramac bars, Munchies are the one I can remember. And exotically flavoured crisps, like sausage and tomato.

I remember getting excited when Caramac bars came on sale in Dublin. but, don't you know, it's just not the same .
Also, Jacobs biscuits were across the road, so on Friday, the guys from Urneys would swop some of their chocolates for sweets, so we had the best of both worlds.

My Dad's office once moved temporarily to some rooms in the Jacob's building and on a Friday they would be given loads and loads of broken bisuits to take home. We used to be waiting at the door for him.