Swans thrashing - why?


Registered User
I saw swans on the canal this morning (as I always do) and what a beautiful site. But this morning a couple of them were thrashing the water with their wings (swans still floating in water and wings still folded, just slightly open). They thrashed really hard. Then they almost stood up in the water, spread out their wings (like a crucifix) and floated along like that. I'm wondering why they did this. The obvious answer is that they were washing and then drying their wings, but is that right? They are fabulous creatures.
Maybe they were trying to warm themselves up? Getting the circulation going? It was quite cold this morning.
Maybe they were trying to warm themselves up? Getting the circulation going? It was quite cold this morning.

Didn't think of that, but it's certainly possible. It's the only thing that was slightly different today (the temperature) I suppose. Either that or I'll see a bunch of swan corpses on my way home, and it'll turn out they were doing the Dying Swan routine!!
Birdwatch Ireland [broken link removed]
might be able to help! Sometimes wading birds are pestered by pike nibbling their feet and your swans might have been trying to outmanoeuvre them........or they may have just been having a stretch for the joy of it.