SW definition of "medically assessed as unfit to travel alone"


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My son is now in receipt of disability allowance and has obtained a free travel pass for himself.

As his agent, I am going to apply for him to obtain Companion pass
The criteria states that the person "medically assessed as unfit to travel alone."

My son is autistic, and while he chats away to me about his interests he has communication difficulties, anxiety etc which have culminated in self harm

My GP has completed the form for him, but Id like to understand more on the criteria.

Can anyone advise on this please? Are they looking for something additional? Are SW making the call themselves based on the form?

Any info appreciated, thank you
If the doctor has filled in the form agreeing that a travel companion is needed there should not be any problem in getting the companion pass.
If the doctor has filled in the form agreeing that a travel companion is needed there should not be any problem in getting the companion pass.
Yes the GP has completed it alright but im hearing that isnt always sufficent. I might send in a cover letter to explain a bit more.
What Bstop said should be sufficent in my Layman's eyes. I doubt any SW administrator has the expertise to over rule a GP's conclusion.
A SW employed GP might but that would involve an escalation by the Administrator.

All the above are opinions.

Im working full time and not in receipt of carers, so its actually the top item regarding him being in receipt of disability allowance.

Im not sure how it works but seems that they'd have some medical personnel review it. I wish it was a bit more clear.

I might just write a short cover note and send in the application. Will update this thread as i get more info and/or a decision back.. my son has had a mixed few weeks, couple of positive experiences followed by a hugely stressful situation (for him). It's made me even more aware of his communication challenges, compared to his peers. Not always visible, when he is chatting away to me, but has huge impact on his day to day.
I contacted the free travel pass section and they advised of following steps

1. Send completed application to them
2. They then send it on to medical professionals in Dublin, who will look at what GP has completed and make an assessment based on that
3. I can put in a cover letter, but she really just agreed when i suggested that, so it sounds like its based on the form only
4. There will be no letter or text sent to confirm receipt of application
5. In few weeks, I can phone to try get status ie has it been scanned into the system

It can take 8 to 12 weeks to process!!

I didnt ask about review or appeal process.

I am very doubtful that my son will get this, as the form has emphasis on physical disabilities, but i will send in on his behalf (Im his agent) and pop a cover letter in.
If you are refused the companion travel card the appeals process would probably be set out in the letter of refusal.
Havent been online much but wanted to share the latest update on this in case its useful to others.
Got a letter during the week to say that my son has been awarded travel pass with Companion. Waiting to get the new PSC but this is really.good news.

Im really glad this is in place for him and im hoping to try it out on bus or luas with him when it arrives. Honestly while i know he wont get to use this a lot, it is a relief that he has that and it might make it easier to approach someone for support on trips in the future.

I did send in a cover letter explaining his sensory and communication difficulties etc and how they impact him.