

Registered User
Does anyone have any info on this process

If I use the taskmanager on my computer I am running 8 instances of it

2 "local service" users
2 "network serice" users
4 "system" users

I've tried googling and got the microsoft sit estating that it is neccessary

and another stating it is virus related

My computer has been getting gradually slower over the past month or so

Could this be related or am I jumping the gun
stuart said:
svchost.exe is an essential part of the Windows operating system and you should not remove it! If you do then startup and services will most likely fail and your PC will be even more screwed than it seems to be right now. (I am obviously assuming that the real svchost.exe has not been replaced by a rogue one or otherwise infected). Have you followed the tips in the "clean PC" thread to virus and adware scan your PC?
Thanks Clubman

I run the virus chjecker at least once a week, sometimes twice/three times depending how often I am using

I run adaware and crap cleaner once a week also

It just seems to be getting slower

It is a compaq pressario 2100 and just over 2 years old, was going to upgrade earlier in year but found something more fun at the time

Probably get upgrade and use the current one less,
Would this make it last longer?
As CM says dont get rid of svchost.exe. If you trust your virus checker then its almost certainly somethng else. Try these 2 utilities I swear by for finding out causes of slow(ing) pcs.
Firstly try [broken link removed] it will install an icon into your control panel that makes it very easy to see what you're running on startup. Try unclicking the software that you think may be causing the PC down, most usually something youve recently installed, and then reboot.

Use [broken link removed] its a kind of advanced task manager to see whats eating your memory on your pc. Use it in tandem with the startup program. Ive seen Procexp and the other tools on sysinternals listed on required software for sites I visit so its getting an industry thumbs up. (Im in IT if you hadnt guessed)

Both the utilities above and more are listed in the clean pc post.
Also I would advise using the MS antispyware tool which Ive found through experience, seems to catch all adware, where you need to run multiple others (adaware, crapcleaner,spybot etc) to catch all.
Defragging your disk always helps too. Again, see clean pc post for links and instructions.
Are you regularly updating your virus and adware checker databases as well as running them regularly?
stuart said:
I run the virus chjecker at least once a week, sometimes twice/three times depending how often I am using
Are you sure that you are regularly updating your virus and spyware checker databases too?

It is a compaq pressario 2100 and just over 2 years old, was going to upgrade earlier in year but found something more fun at the time

Probably get upgrade and use the current one less,
Would this make it last longer?
If I understand you properly you are talking about replacing the whole computer? That would be a fairly drastic move especially if the PC is otherwise OK for your needs. If it has been slowing down noticeably then this is most likely due to some of the applications (nefarious or otherwise) that are running and not "wear and tear". Sorry if that sounds silly but some people have funny ideas about how computers work (and break down).
I use Norton anti-virus and it updates virus databse more or less weekly

If I understand you properly you are talking about replacing the whole computer?

Not nessacarily replace but rather have 2, just in case and use it less. Also. I have been trying for months and just cannot get wireless working perfectly

Considered going with a machine with wireless built in

Don't mean to sound like a technophobe but just believe in having everything I need built-in
I hate upgrading piece by piece, if you are not very technically minded which I'm not it just isn't worth the effort

If I was to lose a days work it would cost be the price of a new machine
I had this problem on my computer...svchost using 99% of resources, I would reboot my computer and it would be ok for a while and then happen again. It was actually msn messenger that was causing this...somehow continuously trying to access the network. Try unloading msn messenger and then boot up without it and see does the problem go away (or at least disabling messenger from trying to sign in. The problem happened after my coimputer was switched over from Windows NT to windows XP at work. SVChost is definetly a legit program and is actually a cover name for a group of programs using the system resources.
look in the event log on your pc for any warning/information message around the time the svchost.exe takes up a lot of resourece

note the message id and program
go to
and search for above
you might find a solution
stuart said:
If I was to lose a days work it would cost be the price of a new machine
Buying a new machine sounds like overkill. If it is a virus/software problem, you'll probably face exactly the same problem on your new machine in a few months. Have you considered paying for a expert to get it sorted?
Is your computer only slow when connected to the internet?
Have you tried disconnecting your machine from your internet connection for a while, and still see if it is still slow?

(Or as Rainyday suggests, get a technician to fix it - especially if you earn the price of a new machine/day)