Susan Boyle - Ridiculous Hype??

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The media have purposely turned her into a freak show so that they can sell papers ...
and recordings, magazines, TV shows, interviews, advertising in print TV & the internet, phone-in competitions, etc
... and even sadder that a large proportion of society support this treatment thru buying papers, glossy mags etc that does this.
Very true because if there was no market for this sad, exploitative, hyped-up, manufactured reality garbage, the exploiters wouldn't waste their time, money and effort.
The media have purposely turned her into a freak show so that they can sell papers etc. Its sad that someone with a disability is being treated this way

To be honest i have heard nothing about her disability and i don't think it's relevant. In regards to her treatment by the media I think anyone (in britain certainly) should realise how fame may change their lives. It's happened time and time again that an average person is thrust into the limelight, loved as a national hero and then either falls apart or is torn down by the papers and magazines. I have sympathy for the woman but one previous poster who referred to abuse is going far too far.
She is a talented woman but i think the whole situation proves the hysteria that can be drummed up over someone purely through people's perception of the person's circumstnaces. If she was a stripper and proud of it would she have done this well? i highly doubt it and that's my main point, that it's her frumpy and dowdy appearance plus a good, and i stress good not excellent, voice that has made her famous.
To be honest i have heard nothing about her disability and i don't think it's relevant.

I disagree. Her disability is very relevent. If an adult wants to enter one of these shows and be subject to all that it entails, fair enough. But someone with a learning disability does not necessarily have the ability to make this type of decision or fully understand the consequences of their actions.

Well if we are going to start saying that she herself could not know what she was letting herself in for by entering, then perhaps her family should have done something
Well if we are going to start saying that she herself could not know what she was letting herself in for by entering, then perhaps her family should have done something
Perhaps she doesn't live with her family, or perhaps she didn't tell her family. Do you think there is any responsibility on those who will benefit hugely commercially from her exploitation to consider her needs?

So maybe we should stop people with disabilities from entering this type of show?
Don't think she has any sisters or brothers.

She's reported to be the youngest of 9 children. Her brother was on the news the other evening and as far as I can recall he said that 'she is suffering from exhaustion'.

When she won initially and was being tormented by callers to the house it was also reported that her sister had taken her away for some peace and quite.

So is someone with a learning disability not an adult or able to make adult choices and decisions?

Do you start screening contestants to judge whether they'll be mentally able to deal with the process?? And then there's uproar when someone with a mental disability is not allowed to take part? Personal responsibility has to start somewhere.
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Yes, you should screen the contestants. Its not as complex as determining who is able to deal with the process. If someone has an already diagnosed mental disability and is registered with the authorities as having one, then they should not be allowed to enter of their own bat. A lot of the care in the community patients are wards of court or similar with a small committee of people who make decisions for them. This committee should have to give its consent in the same way that parents have to give consent for their children.
Have you met or engaged with many people with learning disabilities?
Have you met or engaged with many people with learning disabilities?

I don't see how that's relevant. The point of the thread was to see what other people thought of the hype surrounding Susan Boyle and i'm not going to get dragged into a discussion on whether people with disabilities of any kind should take part in a competition like this.

I just can't comprehend how you can't understand that some people with disabilities are not capable of making best decisions for themselves.

I also cannot comprehend how anyone could think that 'The Priory' is the best place for SB to 'rest'.
I just can't comprehend how you can't understand that some people with disabilities are not capable of making best decisions for themselves.

I also cannot comprehend how anyone could think that 'The Priory' is the best place for SB to 'rest'.

Don't make assumptions, of course i can comprehend that. My original point is nothing to do with her disability and i'm amazed how often people drag threads into these types of discussions.
My original point is nothing to do with her disability
Unless you have medical qualifications and you have spent a lot of time assessing SB, you cannot say this with any certain. There is every possibility that she is not competent to make decisions in her own best interests.

Exhibits in freak shows of the past generally weren't forced to participate either. Does that make it OK?

So to make the point that i think she got further in the competition/got more media exposure because of her appearance i need a medical qualification?? i think this conversation is going totally off the point and i have no further interest in it, Thanks to all valuable contributions.
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