Susan Boyle - Ridiculous Hype??

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I have never seen Britain's got talent but after all the fuss i had to youtube Susan Boyle. I may be wrong but to me she is very good but just that - very good. If she had been glamourous/younger/not a church worker and a bit frumpy looking etc there would not have been half the hysteria about her. Now apparently she's been invited by Obama to sing at the white house on independance day!! Is this just a case of dramatically overhyping someone because they look a bit frumpy but sound great??
Probably. But I think people are delighted to see that you don't have to be size zero, eighteen years of age and have blonde hair down to your waist to succeed in show business. There is also something a bit poignant about someone that talented being buried in a Scottish village with her cat for years when she really, really wanted to make something of her talent. I suppose that hit a chord with a lot of people.
Now apparently she's been invited by Obama to sing at the white house on independance day!!

Obama would do anything for publicity so it would not surprise me one bit. He is a walking, talking marketing brand.

But I think people are delighted to see that you don't have to be size zero, eighteen years of age and have blonde hair down to your waist to succeed in show business.

If anything the programme showed that we over compensate for the mediocre voice due to physical appearance. I mean, if she had the same voice and was even remotely attractive, nobody would have cared. People were amazed at her appearance more than her voice.
I think she has a fantastic voice. I think it all goes back to her first audition when she was being interviewed by Simon Cowell on stage before she sang if you watch the reaction of Simon, Piers and some of the audience it was clear they were'nt expecting anything from her, Simon and his usual sneers, then when she began to sing it was a whole different story. Nice to get one up on them! I suppose also the fact that she has a learning problem Its a case of triumph over adversity for her and we all like those human stories.

Sorry but she doesn't do it for me.

There are millions of good singers in the world, and thats all she is, a good singer. Her bum notes at the start of the final showed that she's not a great singer.

As for the whole reaction from the judges when she 1st started singing, it was mainly because they had spent a few minutes chatting to her and she obviously wasn't '100%' - plus the fact that our society bases 1st inpressions and most things now on HOW you look, not on YOUR abilities. Thats why they were shocked.

And now they are claiming she could earn £8mill per year. All I can say to that is sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately. I often go and listen to live music in pubs and festivals, and they are people at these who erite their own songs, play perhaps 5 instruments then they are struggling to live. Yet this woman can make £8mill per year for being a decent singer, just because she is on BGT.

But I suppose we live in a world where the likes of Jordan and Jade Goody can become multi-millionaires for being totally talentless.

You really believe she got anywhere near that stage without Cowell knowing exactly what her abilities were?
You really believe she got anywhere near that stage without Cowell knowing exactly what her abilities were?

Probably not. But why let the truth get in the way of a good story?

Personally, I think the way she has been treated is nothing short of abuse and that a lot of people should (but probably don't) feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

I also think that she has got a great voice and I hope that she gets some success out of the entire venture, provided it's not at the expense of her health and general wellbeing.

Yes she deserves something out of it certainly and I hope things work out well for her. Its great to hear stories like this. We need more of them.
The more interesting question is the exploitation of people with disabilities to provide more disposable cannon-fodder for TV viewers.
They didn't force her to enter it - she did it of her own freewill.

I can't stand the way that people are now getting slagged on on TV for telling people they are rubbish. There is a new drive in this PC world of ours to never offend anyone, and not hurt their feelings. Its this attitude that is having school sports days where everyone wins. We are making people soft - one of the character forming things in life is dealing with failure, rejection and not being good at something.

Its a bit soon to say she has suceeded in show business. She is an anomly that will soon be passed by and forgotten.
They didn't force her to enter it - she did it of her own freewill.
Indeed - and as she has learning disabilities, are you confident that she was confident to make this decision and understand the ramifications.

You're missing the point. This is not a PC issue. The problem is that producers will select those individuals who will cause controversy, without any genuine consideration of the impact on those people themselves.

PS - Do you think that winning builds character too?
Susan Boyle seemed to enjoy very much being on stage and indeed came across as having plenty confidence. I reckon she would probably do the same thing all over again. Maybe she was too built up by the media to win this show and when she did'nt it was a big shock to her.
I think the greatest thing that will come out of SB's participation in the show is that she will get proper treatment of her condition and finally learn/be taught how to cope with it in the big bad world we all live in.
I think its great she got the chance, she'll look back with pride on it.

Careerwise, she has got singing talent, traditionally a useful attribute for those producing records (now a quaint but fairly unnecessary talent given much of the dross sold in the last 10 years in particular).

Therefore I think her records would sell. A good singer and fame should be perfect, many have one but not the other. Her fame is probably fleeting so I think she should get that record out ASAP.

I have to say I like her, and not just as a sympathy vote because of her disability. Hope theres no major stay required in the priory and above all I hope she makes enough money to keep herself & her cat etc for the remainder of her days.
What treatment could she get? I thought she was deprived of oxygen at birth and therefore has some disabilities but I'd imagine these are permanent, no?

She seems a bit childlike to me without the inner censorship that normal adults have. I thought she had a lovely voice and was pleased to see her get on well.

Why can't it be left at that?

I would agree with all of this.
The media have purposely turned her into a freak show so that they can sell papers etc. Its sad that someone with a disability is being treated this way and even sadder that a large proportion of society support this treatment thru buying papers, glossy mags etc that does this.
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