Im in the process of buying an old hse which needs upgrading. Ive got back the surveyors report and its 8 pages long!
Most of it seems trivial eg. smoke alarms, new vents etc but for things like insulating the attic, am I to do it or do the sellor do it?
He recommended that I get someone in to look at the electrics & plumbing.The bank now want a report before it will go any further- Is this a standard practice?
(Its old fashioned wiring and plumbing but I plan on rewiring etc when I get in)
Is there a set report/ set tests/paragraph they are looking for? Can I just get any electrician (my brother) to say its sound and in working order?
He's qualified but has never done a "report" before.
Also there is a small extenstion (scullery 6ft x 3ft) to the rear of the property and the engineer has it noted on its report and has "provide architechs cert for single storey extenstion to rear". This must be around the same age or thereabouts of the orginaly house so is it not exempt? Do I have to get something from their solictor?
Could someone recommend a plumber to carry out a survey? Any dealings Ive had with plumbers etc are ppl doing nixers.
Ive posted this in both forums because im not sure which is more appropiate.
Thanks for your help.
Im in the process of buying an old hse which needs upgrading. Ive got back the surveyors report and its 8 pages long!
Most of it seems trivial eg. smoke alarms, new vents etc but for things like insulating the attic, am I to do it or do the sellor do it?
He recommended that I get someone in to look at the electrics & plumbing.The bank now want a report before it will go any further- Is this a standard practice?
(Its old fashioned wiring and plumbing but I plan on rewiring etc when I get in)
Is there a set report/ set tests/paragraph they are looking for? Can I just get any electrician (my brother) to say its sound and in working order?
He's qualified but has never done a "report" before.
Also there is a small extenstion (scullery 6ft x 3ft) to the rear of the property and the engineer has it noted on its report and has "provide architechs cert for single storey extenstion to rear". This must be around the same age or thereabouts of the orginaly house so is it not exempt? Do I have to get something from their solictor?
Could someone recommend a plumber to carry out a survey? Any dealings Ive had with plumbers etc are ppl doing nixers.
Ive posted this in both forums because im not sure which is more appropiate.
Thanks for your help.