Survey for 5 year old house - Is one needed?


Registered User
Would it be advisable to get a survey done on a 5 year old house that looks to be in very good order and still has 5 years left on 'Homebond'?
I would say yes. For the sake of a few hundred euro given the investment you're making you'd be able to sleep better at night, in my opinion. Is the "Homebond" transferable to a new owner?
I agree - better safe (i.e. get a detailed structural survey or snagging done) than sorry for the sake of a few hundred €. Forget about Homebond as, in my experience, it's useless.
We were advised to get one on our six year old house, it was in an area that had previous flooding problems, which have been rectified. I would say yes, fro your own peace of mind