Supercem Slates


Registered User
Was going to use Tegral Thrutone slates but am now looking at Supercem which is a cheaper option.

Has anyone any experience of using Supercem? Do they wear over time worse than the Thrutone?
I think Tegral's position in the Irish market is slightly overstated. Capco's Berona Xtra has the same structural and colour guarantee and most roofers i speak to say it lies a lot flatter. The Thrutone especially seems to have a tendency to curl at the edges. I dont like to promote a foreign slate at the expense of an Irish one, but Tegral have had it their own way for too long, and recently introduced a 10% price increase at a time whan the price of most building products are falling. I have no ties to Capco
We were torn between berona graphite (which has a similar colour to trutone) and supercems. We have just completed the roof with the berona graphite. Very happy with them and the quality is good.
Have to agree here with Sean the man. Dont rule out capco. There were much more competitive than tegral.The three prices i got from slaters were all trying to guide me to the berona. Tegral is a good product as well, but dont be thinking its 40 percent better than the rest in anyway.