Super king size beds


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I have 2 months old baby - we are moving into new house.
I don't like buying cradles and kid-beds. Is it good to buy super king size bed instead? Can 3 of sleep comfortably?

The general recommendation is that babies do not share a bed with parents due to the chance of suffocation. There will be loads of people who will tell you that they never had a problem, but I know with my 4 I wouldn't have taken a chance. What do you not like about cots?

This post will be deleted if not edited immediately'll never get a good nights sleep. Even when we have to bring the little fella up with us I'm always half awake with fear of rolling over onto him or as he is now mobile him scurrying under the duvet and out the end of the bed.

Another thing may be when it comes time that you want the child in his/her own bed they may take longer to settle Or if you need to leave them over night with relatives it could be a problem.

You can get some great cots now all over the place (Argos,Adams Mothercare,Mamas Papas). Why not just have the child in a cot and in your room if nessacary?

Congrats by the way....on both the birth and new home.

Thanks TheBlock!

I hate waking several times to cover, reassure & pamper. I used to get very irritable - lack of sleep in the morning.

Ultimately my husband had to sleep in the other room.

We are moving into our new house. I just thought about super king size bed!

If it's a bad idea - pls let me know.


A normal King size bed should be fine..we have brought our 3 children home to our bed (not at the same time!) and found it a wonderful experience...great night's sleep for everyone, no problems settling into own cots/beds afterwards..wouldn't do it any other way! Try and get your hands on a brilliant book "Three in a bed"..a great read for anyone planning to bring baby to bed!
I wouldn't let little ones sleep in the bed unless they were sick. I think the next size up from King is Queen size. If your going to go down the route of having little ones sleep in your bed then maybe consider a Futon, so there will be no problem if they fall out and when a toddler they could get in and out by themselves.
It is terific to have your kids in bed but at that age it is seriously not safe.
If you are going to do it, I would recommend a super king size bed. We have our two little ones over in the mornings and there's loads of room for everyone.
Queen sized beds are the American equivalent of our king size, American king size equate to our super king size.
There may be a potential premium on cost of bedding as there is relatively little requirement for it.

I would NEVER,under any circumstances, take a baby into a bed with two adults.
We used a kingsize for ourselves, had the cot next to it with the side taken off (bit of surgery required). As both mattresses on same level this worked a treat - cot mattress was like a small extension to main mattress in terms of access, comfort etc but we couldn't roll over onto him! As he got older we replaced the cot side, but left it down, then raised it, then gradually moved the cot closer and closer to the door..... until he was in his own room!

Worth a try?
There is a school of thought that strongly recommends co-sleeping (kids in with parents). I wouldn't agree with this myself. Superking is great if you're a six footer, as you can manage to keep the tootsies under the quilt with a little diagonal territory grab. They do take a lot of space out of the bedroom though, so don't expect much room for anything else.
We have a superking bed and find it fantastic and couldn't imagine going back to a double bed now. It is hard enough to get the duvet covers for it but find they are often on sale n BT's and in TK Maxx because maybe not too many people use them. Found a site that sells the large pillows for these beds which are great too as otherwise have to have 3 pillows accross.

We find if one of the kids are sick the big bed is great as they fit in great. I move too much in my sleep to allow a baby sleep with me though! We always had their moses basket beside the bed and then their cot and moved them to their own rooms at 6 months.

Found that once they were always put to bed awake they learnt to settle themselves (acquired this knowledge after no.1 was a chronic sleeper and adjusted with no.2!) There is a lot of people now who believe in the co-sleeping principle but I would need to be tied to the bed for fear of rolling over onto the baby I move so much....
We have a normal kingsize bed (5' wide) and find it the perfect size for comfort. When our baby was born we were told not to bring her into the bed with us and we tried this for a while but our baby wouldn't settle and we were all deprived of sleep. My wife was breastfeeding baby as well so we decided to bring baby into the bed for the first few months until her sleeping patterns were established, that was last year. Baby has been sleeping in her own cot in the bedroom next to ours for the past 8 months or more and we all sleep soundly at night. So my advice is don't be afraid to take baby into bed for the first few months and just be careful- alcohol is definitely out if you're sharing the bed with baby.
Might get screamed at for saying this but IMHO it is also best to let baby sleep on mothers side of bed rather than in middle. Lessens the odds because baby is not between two and am convinced that mothers sleep lighter where baby is concerned. Cot at side of bed will also help.

I also found it was the only option to get a night's sleep. Listened to all the advice/warnings and eventually thru exhaustion gave in.