Sunday Newspapers:Why is it that none of the inserts (magazines etc) are in the paper


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Why is it that none of the inserts ( magazines etc.) are in the papers when we buy them. We still have to pay the full price as well, free CD's are always missing. The explanation from the shop is that papers are delivered like that. My daughter went to another shop nearby and found that the papers contained all the inserts! It would have been the same delivery company, so why is the shop selling the papers without the magazines etc. It is so annoying and it happens all the time. We have the papers on order from this shop and once we were told that the Sunday Times had only one part when it gives the index on the inside page and on that particular day had about eight parts including the magazine. What do they do with the rest of the paper? Do these people not know that the Sunday Times is a paper made up of different sections?
Re: Sunday Newspapers.

If I were you, I'd cancel my order with that particular shop. We get 4 papers on a Sunday and there has never been any part of the paper missing.

I think the inserts are sometimes delivered to the shops in separate bundles and it's up to the newsagent's staff to insert them - sounds like they're maybe just too lazy?
Hi Delgirl, we have to be careful here as there are only two newsagents in the town. Can't afford to make too many waves or we might find ourselves without any paper. Today Ms Swallows came back with two Mail on Sunday's one from each shop and one without the magazine and free CD.She is going to cancel the papers for Sundays, as the service is bad ,with the assistants not knowing (or caring ) what should be in each paper. Yes, the shop have to assemble ( if that's the right word ) the papers as they do come in separate bundles, but even so it was nearly lunchtime before daughter went out to get them, they should have them done by then.
The Sunday Telegraph states that the free DVDs or CDs are not available in the ROI. Don't know about the Mail or Times
I bought the (London) Independent the other week on the Saturday and Sunday to get the "Learn Italian" CD and book respectively. The book was not included on the Sunday and no newsagent that I tried had them. I have emailed the Indo to complain several times but they haven't even had the courtesy to reply. I keep sending them the email again each day and add a few more addresses to it. I should have just bought a book in a bookshop or online - which I will probably do anyway. Unless some AAM reader has the Indo book that they don't need and would be willing to donate it to me?! I really should know better than to make an impulse purchase of a newspaper just for the supposed "freebies".
Re: Sunday Newspapers:Why is it that none of the inserts (magazines etc) are in the p

I was in charge of the newspaper department of a supermarket for 5 months last year. As has been already said - the magazines for the S. Indo, S. Times, Star and others all arrive seperately on a Friday or Saturday.

On Sunday for the S. Times an additional 4 sections arrive bundled seperately - 1) Main Section + Sport, 2) Business, 3) Culture and 4) News Review. It is up to the shop to combine these 4 seperate bundles and the Magazine... plus sometimes there are extras.

For putting these together all newsagents and shops receive an insertion fee of a few cents per copy - i.e. your shop is paid by the Sunday Times to put all the sections together. He/she, under their contract, is obliged to put the pieces together in order to recieve their fee (which they get in the form of a discount).
Re: Sunday Newspapers:Why is it that none of the inserts (magazines etc) are in the p

I have the book but I've written all over it and am only on week 4 despite having more time than I know what to with. I'm pretty impressed with it I have to say. French one is next....
Re: Sunday Newspapers:Why is it that none of the inserts (magazines etc) are in the p

Not much use when, like the London Independent, they don't send the inserts (in this case the book) to all newsagents in the first place. I tried about half a dozen newsagents in the D7 area and none of them had the book that was supposed to be included.
miss the news review in the ST today. like to read that fat (fellows) column on back page. didnt notice it wasn't there until late.
Chamar/ClubMan, slightly off-topic, but the Independent's [broken link removed] is open to RoI readers:
We have 10 all-inclusive language holidays to give away, plus 50 individual Italian tutorials in the UK, courtesy of Cactus Language, a leading provider of language learning at home and abroad.
As usual, 'Auntie' has an impressive array of free online resources, for Italian and many other languages. When I was teaching Italian years ago, the Beeb's materials were the coglioni del cane compared to most of the commercial/school alternatives — but I'm afraid I long since gave away my old Buongiorno Italia! book and audio cassettes (remember them?)...
14. The offer is only available to residents of the UK and Dublin, Ireland.

does this mean it is not available to those outside Dublin??
Whoops, sorry!

I didn't read past this bit:
A quick look at CLT's price list for [broken link removed] suggests that they only cover London, Brighton and Manchester, too...
Cuchulainn, sorry you missed out on Michael Winner's column, you did not miss much. He was out with Geraldine this week (Switzerland ). He must be back with Geraldine again, it's a job to keep up.
thanks swallows. the letters are usually good though.
Re: Sunday Newspapers:Why is it that none of the inserts (magazines etc) are in the p

I have seen kids/adults in various shops on Sunday morning clearing out the newspapers of all the extra inserts and then popping them into their legally bought newspaper on the way out the door. I kid you not.
Have also seen the shopkeepers watching them and not actually bothering to stop them.
Mo3art, Yes I suspected that might be what happend to my bits and pieces that are always missing. What can we do about it? not much point in boycotting the shop if it's the only one in town!!!