Summons to court




I was stopped without tax a few months ago and was asked to show licence and pay fine. paid my tax and showed proof at garda station with my licence. totally forgot about the fine! never got a late payment warning or reminder at all - next thing I know the guards show up with a summons at my mams house. offered to pay fine immediately and they refused insisting I go to court (I dont understand that - is it not a waste of court time?).
So, do I just turn up to court by myself? or should I hire a solicitor? if so what type?. I am not planning on contestin git I just want to get the whole thing iover with Any advice would be brilliant it seems impossible to get advice on this sort of thing at all!
or should I hire a solicitor?

My advice would be to turn up wearing a suit and acting apologetic - that it was never your intention not to pay the fine and that you have the money with you in court.

Unless there is some element you want to contest or some legal argument you want to make, there is not much point in having a solicitor - would probably cost more than whatever fine you are likely to get.