Summons for Speeding




Could someone help me with this please? I got stopped for speeding last sept 2008 and the Garda said I was doing 75kph, I know I wasn't because I had seen them from way down the road before I even came into the 60kph limit and was only doing 60 at that time. Three cars overtook me as I was driving towards the garda, yet he pulled me over. I said I didn't think I was speeding and could I se the printout from the machine, he said the machine doesn't give print outs, I asked could I see the machine then and he said no that wasn't allowed.

I got the fine in the post a week later. I emailed the NPO and asked them if I could see the print out from the speed gun showing I was actually speeding, explaining the speed the Garda thought I was doing and also the speed I knew I was doing. I also said that 3 cars overtook me so if I was doing 75 they must have been doing at least 80. They told me to get in touch with the garda that pulled me over. I rang the station and asked to speak to someone about ti, I was told they would ring me back on it. This happened about 3 times, the time limit for paying the fine was nearly up and so I emailed the NPO again and they said to just wait and see if a summons is sent.

I got the summons yesterday, nearly a year later.

Couple of questions,

Do the speed guns not have to be able to give you a print out? or at least record the speed against the reg of the car they say is speeding and am I not entitled to see this?

How come so much time has passed before getting the summons, is this legal?

Thanks a mil for any answers
The law was changed so it's all on the guards side now. You basically have no rights to any type of defence.
That is so disheartening. So it is basically the Gardas word against mine, even though there is no print out or anything to prove I was speeding?
That is so disheartening. So it is basically the Gardas word against mine, even though there is no print out or anything to prove I was speeding?

Yep , that's about it. Your only hope is if the guard doesn't turn up.