Summons for No Car Tax


Registered User
I have received a summons for car tax not being up to date a few months ago - it is now. Is there anything I can do now - like pay the fine which I completely forgot about or do I have to make an appearance in Court??
I went to court for parking on double yellow lines.
I tried to pay the fine but I left it a day or 2 late.
It got struck out on the day and I didn't have to pay any fine.
Have your day out in court is my advice and talk to the judge.
You will probably get a 120-150 euro fine and be given 1-2 months to pay said fine or else you be told to make a donation of the same amount to a charity that the judge recommends.

A judge wont be bought over by the "I forgot" excuse.
So you wont get off scott free.
€150 is not a bad fine when it cost €636 a year for my road tax