Summer wedding - Black outfit OK?


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outfit - black/white pokadot floaty short dress, black lacy tights, black tux like jacket, black court shoe heels with one strap.

Have smallish black head piece also on a hairband.

However on chatting to a friend she "freaked" when I said I was wearing black (especially at the tights but Iv two very bad veins on the back of my legs but love short dresses as im only a size six and look leggy in the them) and also no need for hair piece as im neither family nor close friend and why not sandals.

Im the type who dresses for myself and feel very smart in the dress both with the jacket and off.

Its five years since I was last at a wedding, any thoughts? Bit freaked myself now. Thanks.
Hi Sandals,
I think it's great you dress for yourself and it's good to feel smart in an outfit, but I'm afraid I would have to agree with your friend, especially the black tights. You absolutely cannot wear black tights in the summer at a wedding! (anyway not too sure on the polka dot and lace tight combo) I would suggest if you don't want to go bare legged / tanned that you look at other tights such as Wolford, in a natural colour perhaps with a pattern (they do some nice ones that are clear tights with a single black line up the back seam, looks dressy) Those veins are something others won't notice, none of us have perfect legs. You have a great tiny figure so don't cover it all in black for summer wedding. Black court shoes would not really be suitable. I would go for a sandal also, not a black one maybe a bright colour to "summer" up the dress. I'm not sure of your age of course so maybe you wouldn't feel comfortable in a bright shoe and prefer the court. All in all the outfit while lovely and smart would need to be tweaked so you don't feel out of place at a summer wedding.
You absolutely cannot wear black tights in the summer at a wedding!

Why not?
As far as i'm concerned the only rule that applies at a wedding is to not wear white.
Anything goes these days in terms of clothes, if you feel dressed up and comfortable i say go for it!
cheers both of you, just purchased a natural pair of tights today so goin to play it by weather on the morning. was chatting to friend who siad yesterday who said she always wears black (plus the tights)as you cant go wrong. will up date after weding for other worriers like me......
Natural tights sound perfect. Regardless of weather I have the opinion (like many) that black tights in summer months aren't really suitable (for anything, work, weddings, nights out) Enjoy the day Sandals!
Sandals, wear what ever you like as long as you are neat and presentable nobody can have any issues with you. I'd have no problems with black tights personally at a wedding
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Wedding over, went with the natural tights. On the day the most common colour was NAVY and BLACK outfits with black tights galore. Couldnt believe it. Just go to show......
I have also worn black dresses to summer weddings twice and like the others say wear what you like as long as you are presentable and as long as its not white