Sum in Excel - blank if = 0


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Hi all,

My head is wrecked today trying to do this.

I want to allocate wages on a cost by site basis.

E.g. Employee 1
€100 gross wages
60% site A, 40% site b

No problem for that, but because I have multiple sites (Sites a - f) and different employees on each site, when I try to get a value of zero or blank for Employee 1 on site c, it returns #VALUE!, so I can't add the column.

Is there a formula you can use to display a blank cell, if the result is zero? Or alternatively only display cell if value is €0.01 or more?

I would be very grateful for any help,
What formula are you using to do this? If you have 0% entered as the site cost allocation for Employee 1 on site c, then this should give you €0 as the formula result.
Best to give details though so as to get an accurate remedy.
I am using the following formula:
1) =sum(b4*'Sheet1'!K3)

Sheet1 k3 is blank as I am using this formula
2) =if(b3=0,"",B3/j3) - this gives a blank cell

for Formula 1 I am getting #VALUE!

Prior to this I had formula 2 as =sum(b3/j3) - this gave me DIV/0 when I used formula 1, so I still couldn't add the column, so I changed it to formula 2 above which displays a blank cell, so I thought that that would = 0?
Try this to get rid of those pesky #VALUE!s

=IF(ISERROR(A1), "", A1)
Try changing formala 2 to: =if(b3=0,0,B3/j3)
It's the blank value of "" that's causing the error.
None of those formula makes much sense. Why are you using the "sum" function at all? For example,
is the exact same as just "=b3/j3". If j3 is blank or zero you're going to get a division by zero error. What are you actually trying to do? You generally use "sum" to add a sequence of values. I think you're making some very basic mistake here; "papering over the cracks" using 'if(iserror(a1),"", A1)' is not the way to go, in my opinion. It makes no sense to divide by zero; if this occurs in your model, then you're probably thinking about the problem in the wrong way.
Why not just run a cost centre report from your wages software?
Thanks guys,

Lemeister, your suggestion has worked, so thanks very much for that.

Darag, thanks for your input, I'm aware that =b3/j3 is the same as =sum(b3/j3).

What I am trying to do is take the total employee cost (gross pay, employer's PRSI & pension) and allocate a cost per employee per site. We have approximately 8 sites around Dublin, most of our employees move between sites during the week depending on what tasks need to be done.

So using this example, I could have a guy who spends 20% of this time on sites a, b & c, 40% of his time on site d, and 0% of his time on sites e & f, so for a gross wage of €100, €20 each would go against site a, b & c, €40 against site d and zero against site e & f. (at this stage I would like to point out that we do pay more than €100/week but this is just for eg purposes!).

umpo3p!sdn, I can run a cost centre report, but it means manually going into each employee in each week's payroll and allocating a % of their time by site. I want to cut this out and use the information I already have to calculate this once I enter the gross pay on the spreadsheet.

Thanks for your time, I have a couple of other small teething problems with it, but I think I can sort it now.
