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I'm starting a new job soon and I need to buy suits. I've had a quick look in a number of shops e.g. Oasis, Next but the quality of the suits (particularly the material in the trousers) is very poor.

Could anyone recommend a shop with good women's suits? I'd like fashionable but well-cut suits. Would it be worth my while getting a few suits made? I seem to remember a thread here a while ago about a company that measure you for suits? Maybe the tailor was from Hong Kong?? But I can't find the thread.

Thanks for your help!
There is a guy who regularly sends letters around to all the solicitors offices I know- a tailor from Hong Kong, but I have never heard of anyone actually getting their suits made by him.

I find that to get a good quality suit, you have to look towards the better brand names, which you will usually find in smaller boutiques. As I'm in Kerry I can't direct you in Dublin, but all I can say is that anytime I have bought a cheaper suit, they havent lasted and the cut is never quite right. A good suit is an investment as it should last for a few seasons, and with a number of different tops/ jewellry/ scarves etc can be made to look updated. Its probably a bad time of year though, the january sales are a good time to pick up these good quality suits at a discount.
M&S are great for men’s work suits, I try and avoid cross dressing these days what with the stubble and receding hair line so I can't vouch for the women’s clothes. It’s great for shirts as well.
TKMaxx sometimes have some great bargains on qood quality clothing including suits.
ClubMan said:
TKMaxx sometimes have some great bargains on qood quality clothing including suits.

Indeed they do, luck of the draw, but I've got some good stuff there.

According to herself, it's hard to find good suits for women around Dublin.

Glad to see you've grown out of the cross dressing phase Purple .
Purple said:
I try and avoid cross dressing these days what with the stubble and receding hair line
Hasn't stoppped a few men that I've seen around lately (seriously). If you want to continue doing it then you go girl!
Been hanging around the Phoenix Park again?????
I've seen none to subtle cross dressing by men on the street in various parts of the city in recent weeks: Stoneybatter, Rathmines, Navan Road etc. No harm in that. What's the Phoenix Park got to do with cross dressing anyway? If you're referring to gay cruising spots then you should bear in mind that being a TV doesn't necessarily make one a homosexual.
No, I guess you're right. It was a remark made in jest, just in case there is any confusion on that score.

Can't say I've come across any cross dressing men in recent weeks-is there some kind of event on at the moment?

Anyway, this thread is going way off topic........
I know of several men in different areas of the city who are regularly seen out and about while cross dressing and have been for years now. There are a few in D7 alone that I'm aware of. The old style elderly married pharmacist that my wife used to deal with in D11 used to cross dress (on his own time - not in the shop). There's a bloke who drinks in my local (a real no frills oul' lads gaff) who is a cross dresser (and gay as well I think) although I've never seem him dressed up in the pub itself. There are a few regular middle aged punters who happen to be gay (one of whom is still recovering 2.5 years on from a gay bashing incident in which he almost lost his leg) who don't cross dress. There's a bloke who lives near my mother in the Navan Road area who is often dressed up on the bus etc.
This thread has really gone off course! Thanks everyone for their useful (and not so useful!) replies. Has anyone any experience of getting suits made in Dublin?

triona said:
I seem to remember a thread here a while ago about a company that measure you for suits? Maybe the tailor was from Hong Kong?? But I can't find the thread.
Did you try the facility?