Suitable solid fuel stoves for MHRV


Registered User

I just want to get opinions on the types of solid fuel stoves that are compatible with MHRV?

Stanley stoves can now be manufactured with an air kit to allow for their use in houses with MHRV. I am familiar with stanley and find their performance very good so I was thinking about going with these but wanted to get some opinions.

Any stove that is fed by an independent air source should work fine with MHRV. I am no expert but I have an interest in this subject & have researched it.

I would look to a country that has higher air tightness standards than Ireland. Then look at the stoves in use in that country. Dutch, Danish & Austrian stoves seem to sell well in these countries.

Irelands standard of air tightness will be increased in the coming years, so its wise to try to meet future stands now if possible.

Stanley is a good stove, so one with an air kit should work with MHRV. Check the manufacturers data & get them to show you that they comply with German air tightness standards etc.
The efficiency of a stove rests on the combustion process.

If the stove requries specialist fuel, eg wood pellets, these must be of a certain moisture content.

In a cold country, leaving them outside for a while dries them to 14%, circa no matter what they arrive at.

In Ireland they can arrive at 14% but unless kept in a specially prepared space they can rise to 16-18% because of the dampness of our climate.

In fact, they can spontaneously combust due to this dampness and the heat generated by growing bacteria.

If you don;t beleive me about self combustion, do some research here. (

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As you can see, self ignition is a known quantity.

Be careful of your fuel source, make sure the stove can run efficiently on whatever you choose and be careful of how and where you store it and how you burn it.


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