Suggestions on where to advertise


Registered User
I am a childminder trying to start up and would welcome suggestions as to where to advertise. My doctor has kindly allowed me to out a poster up in his waiting room and I have put a add in the local paper but just wondering if any of you have any good suggestions. I also put an add on and
thanks in advance for your suggestions
HSE have a list, but then you'd have to be a registered childminder. Something that many people prefer.
should have mentioned I am fully registered, insured and notified to the HSE so I am on the list. Thanks for all the suggestions keep them coming they are much appreciated. By the way I am in Galway city if anyone is interested!!!
What about places that have child entertainment - theres that childs adventure play centre in Knocknarra (dont know the name, sorry!), or any other places that hold kids birthday parties etc?

Community notice boards are great, check out many in your local area and its definately worth placing ad's in the local free press etc. Are there any childrens wear shops in Galway - another option.

On another note, I have been recommending to friends and family for your printing (buisness cards, fliers etc). I have found their service excellent and very very cheap - you may even get a few free t-shirts for staff!

No affiliation btw, just a happy customer.
If you were prepared to take on kids for after school care and are in a position to collect from a local school you could ask permission to put a notice up in the local schools, many have noticeboards.