Suggestions for exotic holiday


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Husband and I have never managed to travel further than europe and U.S. and even then could hardly describe ourselves as well travelled. Broodiness is kicking in big time so thinking of ditching the plan to go to Italy this year and going somewhere more exotic as it will be one of our last holidays as a couple with no kiddies to mind.
Any suggestions very welcome!
Re: where to have been before you have kids?

You haven't lived until you've floated in the Sea of Tranquility. Unspoilt isolated beaches, and a great way to lose weight. Richard Branson will have some cheap charter flights there soon. Failing that, try Bundoran.

If you want to Italy, go to Italy. You'll never see everywhere on earth, let alone Ireland.
Re: where to have been before you have kids?

husband actually suggested the moon, might look into that.
get a flight to buenos aires - amazin place and cheap as chips.......u can also take a trip to the iguazu falls (many people say its the highlight of their round the world trip) from there.....u cud also make it to rio in brazil ('bout 24 hrs drive but well worth it)..............

another idea wud be to fly to lima in peru and make ur way to macchu picchu (to do the inca trail, amazing)..........

guatamala is pretty funky too with loads to do and see and id give a place called tulum in mexico a whirl (u can get cheap flights from cancun and its a short ride from there............)

id also reccommend indonesia , maybe bali to start off with and maybe a trip to singapore would tickle your fancy.............

all depends what u want (beaches, skiing, good food, cheap, expensive, distance u can travel, time.............)
1. Peru
2. Argentina or Chile
3. China

If you don't mind travelling with a group check out the UK Exodus, Explore and Guerba companies
buenos aires sounds cool, hard to narrow it down when you haven't been anywhere! Maybe we can narrow it down to South America or China/asia. That's a start, malaria here we come!
No point in ticking places off a list just so you can say you've been there. That's no way to travel. If you like Italy, go to Italy.
It's not ticking off places so we can say we've been there, if we wanted to do that we could just lie! It's going to places with malaria and kidnappers we're interested in!
My suggestion would be India, very easy as a lot of people speak English and everything from beaches to trekking in the Himalayas to choose from. And malaria, I don’t know about kidnappers though...
I understand what you mean - trying to get to a few places before kids as after that will have to stay shorthall for a number of years.......

Again Im not very well travelled.......not really a backpacker type.

I would suggest Austrailia/New Zealand - Its not somewhere you will go to with young kids so now is the opportunity & yet its not too mad exotic. Personally Im not very interested in South America as it just seems like too much hard work............
Canada/US - I think these are more accessable with kids so mayb leave these for another time.
Other option is Thailand/Vietnam/Camobodia trip - if you arent used to travelleing mayb book a whole package deal with tour operator so that you don't have too much to organise over there.


You need several injections (though check out the malaria protection carefully: In the past many argued it was almost useless) which seems to deal with one of your criteria. They have thieves and criminals too. Seriously, you need a bit of caution and watchfulness but don't let that put you off.

In 1986, 1990, 1992 and 1994 I and then girlfriend, now wife, went there - Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa. The whole wildlife thing is mind blowing, closest thing you will get to that trip to the moon in terms of being different. You can do a bit of former colonial luxury in the cities coupled with some roughing it in the wild.

Though if you have the money, you can do fantastic luxury in the wild too coupled with regular forays into the wilderness to see the local lions cheetahs etc eating the local deer type things. In tent one night in Masai Mara we paid a local young lad 50p to sit by a camp fire outside for the night in case lion or similar came by. Hippos barking (sounded like barking) kept us awake another night. Lion chased jeep. Etc.

15 years on, encumbered with children, we look back at it all as having brought some of the best experiences of our lives. The photos are still on the walls of the house, and others are brought out regularly to show the kisd what exciting people their parents once were. Not just a holiday, but an investment in the future in the sense of giving you memories and a sense of wonder that will last years and years...And to think we could have put the money into a pension product instead....
Australia / NZ. So far away that you'll probably not do them with kids (compared to Africa or the US which is nice / doable with kids).

Australia / NZ - easy, no language differences, no injections, as relaxing or as exciting as you want it. Good value for money, good food, easy to drive around etc etc
I'm actually very tempted by the safari option, it just seems so different and we are rather fond of the zoo! The idea of seeing the animals in the natural habitat is very exciting. It seems very expensive though, I know you can go to the Kruger park quite cheaply and stay in their lodges I don't really know know how to do that without a car as neither of us have a full license. I might have a go on the google and see what I come up with. Thanks folks!
We did this several years ago before the kids came along, really enjoyed it! I went to trailfinders on Dawson St. opposite Hoges Figgis, and got a few brochures, came home and had a think about where we wanted to go and how much we wanted to spend, and we ended up going to Nepal for 4 weeks, saw the Annapurna region, Mt Everest and went white water rafting and on an elephan safari. It cost quite a bit, and we could have done it cheaper by turning up and booking in the country, but since we were both working full time, I prefered to turn up with everything booked.
Try Vietnam. Definitely wouldn't fancy trying to cross the road in Ho Chi Minh City with kids in tow !
Try Cuba; it is a fantatsic country and best to go now before McDonaldism sets in; because of the political situation there are no international brands e.g. Budweiser, BurgerKing etc, all local which is a good thing if you want to experince the culture of the country.

Avoid the resorts e.g. Varadero like the plague as these are nothing like the real Cuba; my advice is to hire a car and travel around; you get to see much more of the country and meet the real people.

One downside though, the food is generally poor but there are some good spots if you look around.
Why have my, jammacjam's and Lumpsum's posts regarding the ethics of employing child labour in the Masai Mara been removed?

Surely this issue is pertinent in any discussion regarding tourism in the developing world?