Suggestions for a Weekend Break as a gift


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I am looking for some ideas please to give a gift of a weekend break to friends who have been really good to the family. Ideally somewhere up to 3ish hours from Wicklow.

Looking for something quiet with a nice restaurant and some facilities, e.g. spa, not golf, neither of them into sports apart from walking !!!

Was thinking of a place called The Old Convent Gourmet Hideaway in Co. Tipperary ( and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the place.

Thanks for any insight anyone can give.
Oriel House Hotel Ballincollig, Co.Cork is beautiful! The spa is just opened and hearing rave reviews about the whole hotel, the food, the staff, everything!
Not a big fan of the food in Oriel House at all. Although, the spa is supposed to be nice. What about brooklodge (nice and close), the lyrath in Kilkenny or Monart in Enniscorthy I think?

Was thinking of a place called The Old Convent Gourmet Hideaway in Co. Tipperary ( and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the place.

Thanks for any insight anyone can give.

Have stayed at The Old Convent. It is wonderful and unusual. Unusual because it only opens 4 or 5 nights a week. Wonderful in that the rooms and the food are wonderful. Evening meal is a tasting meny of about 10 courses - although each course is a small helping, the cumulative effect is very good - a very welcoming place. Does not have the facilities which some large hotels have - e.g. Gym, Spa, etc., and there is not much in the village. A great place for a weekend.