Sued for personal damages after car accident



Hi all

My sister was in a car accident a few months back. It occured at a bad junction with roads of lesser importance. She was pulling out from one of the roads of lesser importance, trying to cross the main road to the next road of lesser importance. on her right at the junction is a pub. The pub was particullary busy that day as a local Hunt was taking place which meant many cars were parked along the side of the pub obscuring the view of traffic coming from the right. She slowly nudge the car out but as she did a car hit her at speed with the inpact occuring at the right front wheel. The car that hit her ended up hitting a flower bed on the other side of the road and my sisters car was spun around almost 360 and halted in the middle of the main road. Both parties were able to walk from the car and both went to the hospital where everyone was discharged within two -three hours. The guards said it did not matter how fast the other car was going because my sister pulled out infront of them which is what happened but the car was definitly speeding and I always taught that this did matter. They were both the same insurance company and everything was settled through them. Both cars were a right off. Now a few months on she has just got a solicitors letter saying they are suing for damages and the letter also wants her to admit liability. Is there anything she can do or do we just have to pay these people for there whiplash pains or will it be through the insurance company. Is there a case for a counter sue that might make them drop the case. My sister has been extremly upset since this letter and we really have no experiance with being sued before so any wisdoms or advice would be extremely heplful. thanks
First off- do not allow her to admit liability under any cirsumstances.

If they are suing for personal damages, send it on to your insurers.
Regretably your sister is at fault, this is not a personal matter, give the letter to your Insurance Company or if your Insurance Broker NOW, do not sit on this and do not reply to the correspondence, your insurer will take this up on your behalf.

Forget about counter sueing, the Gardai @ the scene have stated that your sister was at fault, this is the clear liability on which the other party will succeed.
Have to agree with Gunship and Seagull, never admit liability. Because it is fairly clear cut that your sister was at fault there are no grounds for a counter-sue. Inform insurance company and let them deal with it. Thats why we pay them the big money. Best of luck.