Such a thing as a financial detective?


Registered User
Sister thinking of divorce. She's living in family home, children now gone and is afraid ex-husband will try for half of house if she proceeds. He always claims to own no other property but she believes he actually does. How can she find out the true state of his finances (which would obviously be taken into account in a divorce settlement).
I presume that a private detective/investigator would do this sort of thing if it was deemed necessary?
As per Clubman and Sign, but also, if he had assets would he not have had to declare them to the Revenue Commissioners. Could your sister pay a visit to (not phone) to the relevant tax office and speak to someone. She could say that they were jointly assessed and that she has always left the tax returns to her husband and she has never paid much heed to what was on them, but that now she would like a copy of the last one. If they are jointly assessed, then the information pertains to both of them and as such she is entitled to it. So fingers crossed they have been jointly assessed.

On the other hand though, he is entitled to half the house as much as she is. Although I do know someone who got a terrific solicitor and got everything even though the kids had left the home.
"Although I do know someone who got a terrific solicitor and got everything even though the kids had left the home."

Every case is different - this makes it sound as if its only the solicitor ( rather than the circumstances) that makes the outcome more favourable.

Divorce is a big step and the OP's sister would be well advised to go and see a solicitor specialising in family law. She will be told that where money is no object that neither party will suffer unduly. Where money is an issue then the Court will take account of all assets available to both parties in reaching a decision as to how assets should be divided. A good rule of thumb is half of everything held jointly ( sort of unarguable) then take account of assets held in sole names, ability to earn, pension rights, etc.,etc.

Most non working wives are convinced that the husband has far more than he actually has. In reality, unless he is very clever and has gone to the trouble of hiding assets from everyone ( including Revenue), the Affidavit of Means and a quick trawl through Bank/Credit Card statements and tax returns will show all the assets. And if he has hidden assets, it is actually very hard to prove anything.
