Successful Investing - The Great Debate


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Quote from Burton G. Malkiel "A Random Walk Down Wall Street":

"...The message of the original edition was a very simple one: Investors would be far better off buying and holding an index fund than attempting to buy and sell individual securities or actively managed mutual funds....."

".........Now, over 35 years later,
Quote from Burton G. Malkiel "A Random Walk Down Wall Street":

"...The message of the original edition was a very simple one: Investors would be far better off buying and holding an index fund than attempting to buy and sell individual securities or actively managed mutual funds....."

".........Now, over 35 years later, I believe even more strongly in that original thesis......"

Quote from Mark Shipman "Big Money Little Effort":

"...A buy-and-hold approach to investing may feel like a way to seek long-term growth, but it's not a legitimate way to preserve capital because such a strategy has no predetermined rules for liquidating an investment to bank profits or to offer protection if markets enter a sustained bear trend or go into free and hold = the best of times and the worst of times......."

The great debate indeed..........

It is not the investing per-say that is the problem, it is the investor!

Why do investors not take profit when they are up, and why do they not get out when they start to lose?