Unfortunately, I have been severely struggling with my mental health and have been signed off work for some time.
I need to fill in a claim for income protection (thru employer).
Has anyone guidance on this process? I keep putting off completing the form but really need to tackle it.
How much detail around medical data should I provide? I was diagnosed as autistic and having ADHD in recent years, should I provide details of those diagnoses? To provide a full picture?
should I provide details of the ASD service/specialist that provided the diagnosis or not relevant as they didnt treat me in any way.
I've dealt with Occupational health doctor through work who specufied that I am not fit for work - should I provide their info?
I've to list "Barriers preventing a return to work" - do I just list my symptoms here?
It's asking for expected return to work date but that's unknown for now
If anyone has gone through this process I'd appreciate any feedback on any of the steps.
The insurance provider almost certainly won't pay without the company doctors view firstly and in the past, as a manager, when I've dealt with this, our company doctor had to provide a report to the insurers.
To be honest, if you want to get paid, you need to provide all the details they ask for. One thing worth checking however is whether or not their is cover from conditions already diagnosed prior to you starting work,