Submarine holiday


Registered User
I know it's a long shot but does anyone know of any weekend trips on board a submarine you could do?
Try getting Das Boot- Directors cut on DVD. Then in preparation don't wash or shave for a week or two and eat beans whilst enjoying the film in surround sound. In the interval go out and salute your neighbours car in the style of the "fire patrol" depicted in the movie!
"Try getting Das Boot- Directors cut on DVD. Then in preparation don't wash or shave for a week or two and eat beans whilst enjoying the film in surround sound. In the interval go out and salute your neighbours car in the style of the "fire patrol" depicted in the movie!"

Carpenter, I hate it when you don't take your tablets :D
......and don't forgt the saw for the air vents,carpenter!(smiley)
Hi Farmer

Im not sure of a weekend holiday on board a submarine,
But there are lots of Subs moored in Europe where you can visit and go onboard.

I was on one in Stockholm, an old Russian Cold war sub - its really intresting, but it will only take an hour or so.
I think the UK navy have a submarine base in Portsmouth where there are lots of exibits aswell.
Thanks jz1. It's for a xmas present though so I don't think they'd be too impressed with travelling to portsmouth for a few exhibits.