Student Loan; borrowing now and paying back later - Advice urgently required




I was wondering if anyone would be able to answer a few questions for me.

Presently I am in my final year of a law degree, and I wish to do a masters next year. I also want to head to New York for the summer. The cost of the masters and my summer plans total about €12,000. I m not working at present( fookin finals!) and I am not a home owner, with little savings.

- My first question is, is €12,000 too much to be considered as a student loan? Could it fall under a graduate Loan? Would it be classed a run of the mill personal loan?

- Secondly, is it possible to get student loans whereby you borrow now and you don't have to start making repayments until two years after the initial loan? This is crucial for me, as I won't really be able to put a dent in the loan until I am trainee solicitor.

- Finally, Am I being really unrealistic? Will the banks even touch me?

Thanks in advance for any info given.
Re: Student Loan; borrowing now and paying back later - ADVICE URGENTLY NEEDED

Student Loan; borrowing now and paying back later - ADVICE URGENTLY NEEDED
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Re: Student Loan; borrowing now and paying back later - ADVICE URGENTLY NEEDED

The banks may be willing to finance your post-grad course but as for your summer in New York I am not so sure! Have you a J1 and will you be working? Will you be able to repay any of the loan in September when you return from New York?
Re: Student Loan; borrowing now and paying back later - ADVICE URGENTLY NEEDED

You may also need to be able to show the banks proof of a trainee contract in place or express your intentions to work in any available position. Trainee contracts are elusive at best, so you should probably be willing to work in an interim position should you be unable to secure one at just the time you want or need to start work.

Best bet is to call into your campus bank branch & speak with a grad loan officer.Usually well informed & what you are asking is Im sure a common request. Not sure how often it would be granted though !