Stuck DVD disc


Registered User
I put in a DVD last night to combi unit, with aview to watching in bed. however, it did not play and now the disc is stuck. anyone got any idea as to how i can release it?
Technically probably not the correct answer but the same thing happened to me where it seemed to jump out of the slot and was stuck at the back. I unplugged and turned upside down and gave it slight bang at the back and after a couple of attempts, dvd slid out. Your dvd may be resting against the door preventing it from opening and a slight movemnet in dvd might release door to allow removal of disc.
I'll head off immediately to try that out.

will report back in about 5 mins!

no, despite taping and banging front back and sides, no budge. I have sent an email to crown, the uk manufacturers. presumeably they will tell me to bring it to a repair shop, which i am trying to avoid doing!
I'd imagine the cost of repair would be in excess of the value. Open the box up is what I would do .
Often CD drives have a tiny little hole which is labelled in the pictures in manual as being some sort of emergency release hole, you'd have to poke through a long pin in some models I saw... this probably opens the drive mechanically ....
This feature wasn't mentioned in the manuals I've seen except in the label in the pictures...

it sounds serious to me... you say the disc is stuck... that means you turn it on and press 'eject'... if it makes no noise then it's not even trying to open, does the screen say anything?.. if it makes a big noise then the disc is stuck...