Structures not requiring planning (foundations?)

Betsy Og

Registered User
Can anyone direct me to the detail on this.

Basically I could be getting a scrap of land which might/should get planning (in back of beyonds & not high tourist area). Would be a holiday home.

As a start, could I do the following without planning:

-put in an access road (would think so)
- put down a foundation and septic tank (this could be used if I wanted to put a caravan on the foundation - expensive I know if you didnt end up getting planning)
-put in a temporary dwelling (log cabin type jobbies) which I understand dont, in themselves, require planning.

All the above on family land on non-controversial site/area. Basically I mighnt have the funds to build the modest dwelling I have in mind but would be good to start getting the use out of the site.
Answers IMHO
Define "Access Road" - you most certainly are not allowed put an entrance out onto a public road.
Define "Access Road" - you most certainly are not allowed put an entrance out onto a public road.

There's already what you would call a "gap", now I'm not sure how long its there but say 20 years at a min, I doubt it appears on any map so if it reappears a bit further down the road (at a safer place) then I wouldnt see there being a big issue. That gap is onto a field so maybe the rule you refer to above only applies where you are talking about an entrance for a house.

Incidentally I know of several gaps which were opened onto public roads, for farming purposes, and I'm sure planning was never looked for. Ditto farm roads (gravel on a field).

Re log cabin/glorified garden shed - these are advertised as not requiring planning permission. So at a minimum I'd expect I could put one of these down on gravel (or a caravan) & use the existing gap - would require some gravel to make a cleaner gap and roadway.

Anyway, I'd obviously prefer to go the full planning route before having the consider other "solutions" and I got onto the relevant Co Council website which has good info. I think the detail I want re not needing planning is referred to as "Exempt Development" but it looks like I'll need to root that out of some planning act or other.
Log Cabins etc. are put up under the "Domestic Garage" exemption to Planning, for certain cabins, below a certain floor area, that are ancillary to a dwelling-house and subject to other criteria.

If they are used as a dwelling, then they are not covered by the exemption.
Also they have to be ancillary to some dwelling - which it would not appear to be, in your case.

That said, considering that it is temporary, you might weigh up the likelihood that the Local Council will force you to remove the cabin (which may not be high) together with the consequences of this (i.e. the economic consequences might not be too severe if it can be put on a truck and sold/moved somewhere else) versus the advantages of taking such actions.
Entrances can still be made onto public roads where the road is below a certain width- not sure the exact amount- check with cc.