Structural Survey


Registered User
I've searched previous threads but there doesn't appear to be an answer to my specific question.

I'm in the process of purchasing a new house on its own site in rural Cavan. The house isn't covered by Homebond (which appears to be common with this type of one off build) and should be finished in about 2 to 3 weeks. The bank issuing my mortgage don't require a structural survey just the usual valuation. Several people have advised me to get a full structural survey carried out just to be sure. Is one really necessary? If so can anyone recommend a reliable surveyor in the Cavan area.
I would highly recommend you get one done, also make sure the person undertaking the survey of your home has full insurance.

A good place to find suryevors for strucural surveys is
They have a list of all there members by county on the website.

Cheers and best of luck with the new house

I would agree with maso82's comments abouve. Defenitely get a survey of the building. Recently I had gone sale agreed on a house and to the naked eye everything looked perfect. That was until I got my engineer in and the moment he walked in the front door he started listing things that were wrong!! Eventually there was so many things we decided to withdraw from the sale.